Eclipse Hangs at The Android Sdk Content Loader

Android sdk Content Loader has encountered an issue

It's so Easy:

  1. Delete your "C:\Users\ [username] \ .android\avd"
  2. Delete all AVD
  3. Restart eclipse and
  4. start AVD manager


Getting error message Android sdk content loader stuck at 0%

Have you tried deleting your debug keystore?

%USERPROFILE%/.androidon Windows

~/.android/debug.keystore on Linux and Mac OS X

Eclipse startup hang, Android SDK: resolving error markers

This problem made me crazy until I found below, if I didn't post the answer, I am not a man!
Hope this helps if you are also going crazy

I found from Eclipse Stuck at "Android SDK: Resolving error markers":

cd [my workspace folder]

cd .metadata

find . -name .markers -exec rm {} \;

eclipse -clean -refresh

if you are in win32

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S .markers') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"

Eclipse hangs when importing Android NDK project

One of the reasons this happens is that when you set the location of the SDK and NDK in Eclipse, the location of the NDK gets stored within the workspace itself. You can verify this by creating a new workspace and navigating to


"SDK Location" should be set but when you click on the "NDK" option, the location should be empty. Setting the NDK location again and then importing a project into your freshly created workspace should solve the problem.

The exact location of the save file is:


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