Android Listview Child View Setenabled() and Setclickable() Do Nothing

Android ListView child View setEnabled() and setClickable() do nothing

So, you may be using a custom adapter too. If you do, override these methods:

public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {
return false;

public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
// return false if position == position you want to disable

Then, when you receive a click tell the adapter what was the last item clicked and return false on isEnabled for that position. For instance, you can have a method like this in your adapter:

private int mLastClicked;
public void setLastClicked(int lastClicked){
mLastClicked = lastClicked;

setEnabled(),setClickable() not working

Take front layout's size as background layout's size and set front
layout's background color transparent so background layout is partially

And set onClickListener to front layout and in onClick method do nothing.

This answer is not exactly as you want but it is a good alternative.

Hope it helps

View.setFocusable() and View.setClickable() have contrary effect in custom ArrayAdapter

Actually here I found the explanation of it all. The thing is that if you set the view to be clickable, then it will consume the click and not propagate it to the container.

Thus convertView.setClickable(true) actually disables the clicks.

Disabled item in spinner list

You can get the item from the array in your ListAdapter based on its position and call setEnabled(false) in the public getView() method.

Like this:

if (position==10) {

You will probably need to override some other methods. Check those posts:

Android ListView child View setEnabled() and setClickable() do nothing
Android: How to disable list items on list creation

Disappearing divider in ListView when ArrayAdapter.isEnabled returns false

Return true in areAllItemsEnabled() and false in isEnabled for specific item. The disabled item wont be clickable but you will still be able to view the divider lines

Note: This doesn't work for Android 5

View.setEnabled(false) does not work quite right in android

Recursively setting all descendants is needed, otherwise RadioButtons in the layout will not get setEnabled because RadioButtons are grand-children not direct children, there is RadioGroup in between. I record my best solution so far here based on others' answer.

public static void setEnabledAll(View v, boolean enabled) {

if(v instanceof ViewGroup) {
ViewGroup vg = (ViewGroup) v;
for (int i = 0; i < vg.getChildCount(); i++)
setEnabledAll(vg.getChildAt(i), enabled);

Subclass is not working at this time. If I have:

public MyView class View {
protected void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean setChildren){
if(setChildren && this isinstanceof ViewGroup){
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this.getChildCount() ; i++ )
//this line will have issue if it is not MyView
this.getChildAt(i).setEnabled(enabled, true);

unless View itself has this overloaded setEnabled like this:

public class View {
protected void setEnabled(boolean enabled, boolean setChildren){
if(setChildren && this isinstanceof ViewGroup){
for ( int i = 0 ; i < this.getChildCount() ; i++ )
this.getChildAt(i).setEnabled(enabled, true);

This solution will eliminate problems 1, 2, 3. Problem 4 can be solved by setting disabled style selector for RadioGroup - I am not sure why android has no default disabled style selector for RadioGroup. Maybe another point for Android enhancement. Android is very flexible in SDK design also means sometimes extra work needed.

How do I prevent clicking elements in a ListView row when in MutliChoiceMode in Android

Add the property android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants" to the layout root of your list row. This will prevent the children from gaining focus, and will enable the user to click on the list row or any of its child views independently. Now you can disable (gray out) and re-enable any of the child views by using setEnabled() like you do in your code. Or if you would just like to prevent the user from being able to interact with a view without graying it out, you can use setClickable() instead.

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