Remove Bottomnavigationview Labels

Remove BottomNavigationView labels

I hope I am not too late to the party here.

But as of Design Support Library 28.0.0-alpha1
you can use the property


BottomNavigationView without labels

you can use other values "auto", "labeled" and "selected" as well.

BottomNavigationView: How to remove hypheanted labels

As 5 items might be a lot of space, it is necessary to compromise text size. In order to fix it, adding a custom style to the BottomNavigationView text gets the job done:


on styles.xml:

<style name="navTextInactive">
<item name="android:textSize">11sp</item>

<style name="navTextActive">
<item name="android:textSize">12sp</item>



Hope it can help anyone out there!

How to remove title from bottom navigation

I use variations of the below code to customize the labels of BottomNavigationView which are essentially TextViews:

private void removeBottomNavigationLabels(BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView) {
for (int i = 0; i < bottomNavigationView.getChildCount(); i++) {
View item = bottomNavigationView.getChildAt(i);

if (item instanceof BottomNavigationMenuView) {
BottomNavigationMenuView menu = (BottomNavigationMenuView) item;

for (int j = 0; j < menu.getChildCount(); j++) {
View menuItem = menu.getChildAt(j);

View small = menuItem.findViewById(;
if (small instanceof TextView) {
((TextView) small).setVisibility(View.GONE);
View large = menuItem.findViewById(;
if (large instanceof TextView) {
((TextView) large).setVisibility(View.GONE);

BottomNavigationMenuView menuView = (BottomNavigationMenuView) bottomNavigationView.getChildAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i < menuView.getChildCount(); i++) {
final View iconView = menuView.getChildAt(i).findViewById(;
iconView.setPadding(0, 40, 0, 0);
ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = iconView.getLayoutParams();
DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
layoutParams.height = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 32, displayMetrics);
layoutParams.width = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 32, displayMetrics);

You can call it like this:


You could also try similarly to change the visibility, padding or height of the TextViews.

Remove bottom navigation view text in android

set "app:labelVisibilityMode" with "unlabeled"


Flutter - How to hide/remove title of BottomNavigationBarItem

There are two workarounds for this problem, as this feature is not yet implemented.

  1. Pass Container(height: 0.0) instead of Text("")
  2. Create widget and use it instead of Flutter's bottom navigation. Source.


Just add this to your BottomNavigationBar

showSelectedLabels: false,
showUnselectedLabels: false,

BottomNavigationView shows label over icon

Upon closer examination, I found that my default application style Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.DarkActionBar was causing the problems, and by simultaneously overriding it to Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.DarkActionBar, including overriding the component styles from AppCompat to MaterialComponents, I fixed the problem.

Next, I had to add

<item name="bottomNavigationStyle">@style/NavigationViewTheme</item>

to the default style and remove the style call directly in the component.

Remove the top padding in BottomNavigationView

if I understand you true android:layout_height="?attr/actionBarSize" here you put height as 50dp so try change height to android:layout_height="35dp" or android:layout_height="40dp"

BottomNavigationView display both icons and text labels at all times

For anyone still looking for a solution and doesn't want to rely on third party libraries or runtime reflection, BottomNavigationView in Support Library 28/Jetpack natively supports always having text label.

This is the method you're looking for.

Or in XML, app:labelVisibilityMode="labeled"

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