Java.Lang.Numberformatexception: Invalid Int: "" in Android

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: : Error

put these lines inside onClick()

final  String height = e1.getText().toString();
final int a = Integer.parseInt(height);

You are fetching value of e1 in onCreate(), while you want it when user click on button

Also need to check whether height is having any value or not, check Stuluske's answer for this

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: “” error android

Your problem is on this line

int kolicina = Integer.parseInt(narucenaKolicina);

If the input is empty, it will try to parse an empty string "". You need to wrap this in an if statement to check if narucenaKolicina is empty or a valid int before you try to parse it.

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: 5

My wild guess is that your file contains a BOM at the beginning of its text stream which is confusing your parser. You can use the file command on a *NIX system to verify this.

Try swapping that first line with another and see if you get the same error with the first number on another line. If you were set up the BOM, google "removing bom from utf-8" for further instructions.

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: “”

Move the following code inside your onlick() method, because in your oncreate() if the EditText is empty it will return empty String (""), so you need to get the value when the button is clicked, not before it:

final String n1 = num1.getText().toString();

final String n2 = num2.getText().toString();


plus.setOnClickListener(new Button.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
try {
final String n1 = num1.getText().toString();
final String n2 = num2.getText().toString();
float sum = Integer.valueOf(n1) + Integer.valueOf(n2);
String a = Float.toString(sum);
a = a.trim();
} catch(Exception e) {

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: 3546504756, what does this error mean?

Error just means that java is not able to convert the String that you are trying to use in your call to Integer.pasrseInt as that number is out of range of an integer.

You should be using Long.parseLong as 3546504756 number is out of range of an integer.

Make sure post that your BridgeData constructor accepts long as a parameter instead of integer.

NumberFormatException: Invalid int:

In display method

    acdyear= sharedPreferencess1.getString("acamadic","0");

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid int: null android studio

your getValue(String.class) is get a null, check in the firebase at Users/userUid/cassino/cassinotime if have a value.

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