Espresso - How to Check If an Activity Is Launched After Performing a Certain Action

Check if a new Activity is started with Espresso

Well The solution is to check this way:


In order to perform this check, you need to add the intents library (androidTestImplementation "androidx.test.espresso:espresso-intents:$intentsVersion")
and init it by calling:


Is there any way to know if an activity has been started with Espresso?

Asserting something against a view that belongs to a certain activity is in my opinion a very elegant way of checking if that specific activity has been started. From the official docs:

At the same time, the framework prevents direct access to activities and views of the application because holding on to these objects and operating on them off the UI thread is a major source of test flakiness. Thus, you will not see methods like getView and getCurrentActivity in the Espresso API.

However, there is a way to accomplish what you need, like shown here. In my version, I also defined an assertion method like:

 public void assertCurrentActivityIsInstanceOf(Class<? extends Activity> activityClass) {
Activity currentActivity = getActivityInstance();

which I used in the test methods.

For my own tests I didn't have any issues using it (Espresso 2.0 !), but it made it somewhat redundant since I would still check the views belonging to that activity. So it works, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Good luck!


There is also the possibility of checking if the intent was sent from your first activity to the second one (check this short tutorial), but that doesn't necessarily mean that the second activity displayed all of its views correctly. You should still check them being displayed, which brings you back to where you started.

Espresso - check which Activity is opened using intent on button press?

Whether it is possible to trace which the Activity opened after
pressing the button?

Check espresso-intents library:


Add to your app/build.gradle these lines:

androidTestCompile ''
androidTestCompile ''
androidTestCompile ''
androidTestCompile ''

NOTICE: espresso-intents won't run without espresso-core, runner or rules libs.

You may also need to change ActivityTestRule<> to IntentsTestRule as it is described here:


Use IntentsTestRule instead of ActivityTestRule when using
Espresso-Intents. IntentsTestRule makes it easy to use
Espresso-Intents APIs in functional UI tests. This class is an
extension of ActivityTestRule, which initializes Espresso-Intents
before each test annotated with @Test and releases Espresso-Intents
after each test run. The activity will be terminated after each test
and this rule can be used in the same way as ActivityTestRule.


Example code (click on button to launch new activity)

Here's a solution using espresso-intents for similar problem:

An example test with intent stubbing:

public void testActivityResultIsHandledProperly() {
// Build a result to return when a particular activity is launched.
Intent resultData = new Intent();
String phoneNumber = "123-345-6789";
resultData.putExtra("phone", phoneNumber);
ActivityResult result = new ActivityResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, resultData);

// Set up result stubbing when an intent sent to "contacts" is seen.

// User action that results in "contacts" activity being launched.
// Launching activity expects phoneNumber to be returned and displays it on the screen.

// Assert that data we set up above is shown.


Additional resources:

  • [Android Developers] Espresso Intents Reference

  • [Github || Google Samples] Basic sample for Espresso Intents

  • [Github] Android Espresso Intent Sample

  • Testing for Android Intents using Espresso

  • [Gist] Example of how to use espresso-intents in Android tests - source code for link above

Android - Espresso How to test an view after clicked and moved to another Activity

I would use espresso intents

This way you capture that your app is going to open the other activity and respond with a result. Then, as the activity you are has not changed you can check the drawable there.

The code in your case should be something like:

fun checkClickImageView1() {
val result = Instrumentation.ActivityResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, null)
// Set up result stubbing when an intent sent to "OtherAcitivy2" is seen.


don't forget to add the espresso-intents dependencies in your build.gradle file.

Get Current Activity in Espresso android

In Espresso, you can use ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry but it is not officially supported, so it may not work in future versions.

Here is how it works:

Activity getCurrentActivity() throws Throwable {
final Activity[] activity = new Activity[1];
runTestOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
java.util.Collection<Activity> activities = ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance().getActivitiesInStage(Stage.RESUMED);
activity[0] = Iterables.getOnlyElement(activities);
return activity[0];

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