Can't Import Javax.Imageio.Imageio in Android Application

Can't import javax.imageio.ImageIO in Android application

You have tagged your question with Android. javax.imageio.ImageIO is not part of the Android platform, so unfortunately you can't use it. Instead you need to use what's available in the Android SDK for reading and storing images.

Have a look at the Bitmap and BitmapFactory classes for a starting point.

These classes contains the necessary methods to read (BitmapFactory.decode*(...) methods) and write (Bitmap.compress(...) method).

import javax.imageio.ImageIO; Has Error

As was mentioned, the ImageIO class is not available on Android. You can do image decoding in Android using the BitmapFactory class.

importing error with import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

I was programming with "Ready to Program" and tried many options with out success. When I copied the same code to "JCreator" and run it fro there it was working fine. Seems "import javax.imageio.ImageIO;" is not working with "Ready to Program".

Eclipse not able to see javax package

It turns out I was being just being an idiot. It turns out I had actually made this with a module without realizing it. All it took for me was to get rid of the module file.

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