Ssl Certificate Is Not Trusted - on Mobile Only

Certificate is trusted by PC but not by Android

You might be missing an intermediate certificate in your cert file. If you have already visited another website which has the same certificate seller, the intermediate certificate is remembered in your browser. This might not - or even better - will not be the case with every visitor to your website. To solve a missing intermediate certificate in the SSL connection, you will need to add the intermediate certificate to your own certificate file.

GoDaddy has some info on the intermediate certificates (but the best source is always your certificate provider):

I once had this issue of an intermediate cert (with Commodo too) and had to combine my own cert file with the intermediate CA's to work. Once done no errors occurred anymore.

Installation instructions per webserver by Godaddy:

And here is a list of the most common installation guides by Commodo themselves:

Depending on what webserver you are using, you'll need to specify all certificates (domain certificate, intermediate and root) or combine them into one (eg for Nginx) in the order:

  1. domain certificate
  2. intermediate certificate
  3. root certificate

An easy way of doing this in an SSH terminal is by typing:

cat domainfile intermediatefile rootfile > targetfile

Certificate test tool

If you encounter further problems or are unsure whether the certificate is correct, please try an online tool to verify your SSL certificate. For instance:

SNI support for android 2.2 and lower

Please note android 2.2 (and probably older) do not support SNI, which allows multiple SSL certificates for different hostnames to work without issues on one single IP address. Thanks to @technyquist for providing that information. Please review this SO question about SNI for more information on this issue.

https security certificate not trusted error on mobile via openshift server

Thanks to @stenwt from the openshift irc channel, It finally work. Here is what i did.

cat mycert.crt > myapp.pem; rhc alias update-cert appname --certificate myapp.pem --private-key myapp.key --passphrase 'mypass'

android does not trust a certificate

The website does not provide an intermediate certificate that is required to complete the certificate chain. Some clients, like Android, are unable to build the complete certificate path and do not trust the certificate when this happens.

SSL Labs report showing missing intermediate certificate

If you are the site admin, the correct way to address this is to download and supply the intermediate certificate so that the complete chain is sent.

Android Studio: Server's certificate is not trusted

Android Studio has a configuration for Server Certificates (This works for other IntelliJ platforms like PyCharm as well)

Go to File->Settings. In the IDE Settings section select Server Certificates

NOTE: Newer IntelliJ it is in File->Settings->Tools->Server Certificates as mentioned in the comments.

Myself I just selected the Accept Automatically check box, hit Apply and never had to deal with it. If you are worried about security, there is also the option to add them 1 at a time as they come up.

In my case I did this because I already had a * certificate configured as accepted, but I still got the popup. I suspect that the fingerprint changed and if I would have deleted and then accepted the error would have gone away, but I decided to just make it go away by selecting the check box.

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