Highlighting Text Color Using HTML.Fromhtml() in Android

Highlighting Text Color using Html.fromHtml() in Android?

Or far simpler than dealing with Spannables manually, since you didn't say that you want the background highlighted, just the text:

String styledText = "This is <font color='red'>simple</font>.";
textView.setText(Html.fromHtml(styledText), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);

Android - Html.fromHtml handle background color

Add your own BackgroundColorSpan as you see fit.

Here is some code that sets such a span on all occurrences of a search term within a TextView:

  private void searchFor(String text) {
TextView prose=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.prose);
Spannable raw=new SpannableString(prose.getText());
BackgroundColorSpan[] spans=raw.getSpans(0,

for (BackgroundColorSpan span : spans) {

int index=TextUtils.indexOf(raw, text);

while (index >= 0) {
raw.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFF8B008B), index, index
+ text.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
index=TextUtils.indexOf(raw, text, index + text.length());


So, find your beginning and ending points, create a BackgroundSpan with your desired color, and use setSpan() to apply it.

Note that this assumes that only part of your text needs the background color. If the entire TextView needs the color, go with njzk2's suggestion, and just apply the color to the whole TextView.

Highlight the textcolor in android html.fromHtml

Here's a list of html tags supported by textview


For using SpannableString



Using Spannable String

SpannableString ss1= new SpannableString(s);
ss1.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, 23, 0);
ss1.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC), 0, 23, 0);
ss1.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.BLUE), 0, 23, 0);

Sample Image

Using Html

String text = "<font color=#cc0029>hello</font> <font color=#ffcc00>world</font>";

Using multiple text colors in Android's textview [ Html.fromhtml() ]

textview.setText(Html.fromHtml("<i><small><font color=\"#c5c5c5\">" + "Competitor ID: " + "</font></small></i>" + "<font color=\"#47a842\">" + compID + "</font>"));

Try the above.

Change color and make bold part of a TextView in xml

<b>Log In</b> will make it. The string resource is to be as follows:

<string name="already_have_an_account">Already have an account? <font color='#FF6200EE'><b>Log In</b></font></string>

Here is more on Styling with HTML markup.

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