Usb Device Path in Swift

USB Connection Delegate on Swift

This answer worked for me but it needed some adaptation, like creating a bridging header to import some specific IOKit parts.

First, add IOKit.framework to your project (click "+" in "Linked Frameworks and Libraries").

Then create a new empty ".m" file, whatever its name. Xcode will then ask if it should make a "bridging header". Say YES.

Ignore the ".m" file. In the new "YOURAPPNAME-Bridging-Header.h" file that Xcode just created, add the following lines:

#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLib.h>
#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDKeys.h>

Now you can use the code in the linked answer. Here's a simplified version:

class USBDetector {
class func monitorUSBEvent() {
var portIterator: io_iterator_t = 0
let matchingDict = IOServiceMatching(kIOUSBDeviceClassName)
let gNotifyPort: IONotificationPortRef = IONotificationPortCreate(kIOMasterPortDefault)
let runLoopSource: Unmanaged<CFRunLoopSource>! = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource(gNotifyPort)
let gRunLoop: CFRunLoop! = CFRunLoopGetCurrent()
CFRunLoopAddSource(gRunLoop, runLoopSource.takeRetainedValue(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode)
let observer = UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>(unsafeAddressOf(self))
_ = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
deviceAdded(nil, iterator: portIterator)
_ = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification(gNotifyPort,
deviceRemoved(nil, iterator: portIterator)

func deviceAdded(refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, iterator: io_iterator_t) {
var kr: kern_return_t = KERN_FAILURE
while case let usbDevice = IOIteratorNext(iterator) where usbDevice != 0 {
let deviceNameAsCFString = UnsafeMutablePointer<io_name_t>.alloc(1)
defer {deviceNameAsCFString.dealloc(1)}
kr = IORegistryEntryGetName(usbDevice, UnsafeMutablePointer(deviceNameAsCFString))
if kr != KERN_SUCCESS {
deviceNameAsCFString.memory.0 = 0
let deviceName = String.fromCString(UnsafePointer(deviceNameAsCFString))
print("Active device: \(deviceName!)")

func deviceRemoved(refCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, iterator: io_iterator_t) {
// ...

Note: deviceAdded and deviceRemoved need to be functions (not methods).

To use this code, just launch the observer:


This will list the currently plugged devices, and on every new USB device plug/unplug event it will print the device name.

Reading files from external storage in iOS 13

So, this seems like a documentation issue with the link posted above. When the user selects a folder, all files and folders are recursively granted access and automatically security scoped. The line guard file.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() always returns false.

The trick to getting this work is NOT to try to security scope individual files, but to ensure that this code snippet does not run BEFORE you access files.

   defer {
if shouldStopAccessing {

As long as you continue to access files while the pickedFolderURL is inside security scope, you will be successful.

Hope this helps somebody.

Getting the URL Path of an Image from device in iOS Swift

Use asset.requestContentEditingInput insted of asset.requestImagebelow to retrive image URL from PHAsset:

func pickerViewController(_ pickerViewController: TatsiPickerViewController, didPickAssets assets: [PHAsset]){

let count = assets.count
for asset : PHAsset in assets{
asset.requestContentEditingInput(with: PHContentEditingInputRequestOptions()) { (eidtingInput, info) in
if let input = eidtingInput, let photoUrl = input.fullSizeImageURL {

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