Avplayerviewcontroller Black Screen When Swiping on iOS 11

AVPlayerViewController black screen when swiping on iOS 11

Okay I found the mistake:
To close the Airplay video playback when pressing "Done" I used this code:

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

if avPlayerController?.isBeingDismissed ?? false {
avPlayerController?.player = nil

But with iOS 11, Apple added a feature to close the Video Player via a swipe gesture. So when I swipe, the viewWillAppear function gets called.
Putting this code inside viewDidAppear fixed this and preserved the AirPlay-Fix.

AVPlayerViewController show black screen some times

After so many time.. I found solution.

The problem was that I wasn't cleaning AVPlayer inside AVPlayerController. And I also added New instance inside a DispachQueue.

That's new code:

self.videoPlayerViewController?.player = nil
self.videoPlayerViewController = nil
self.videoPlayerViewController = AVPlayerViewController()
self.videoPlayerViewController?.player = viewModel.avPlayer

And after I added in viewController:

if let avController = self.videoPlayerViewController {
DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
if let strongSelf = self {
strongSelf.add(avController, in: strongSelf.playerView)
} else {
// Error

I hope it could help someone!!

Playing video in Swift using AVPlayerViewController

The simple answer to your question 'Is there a way I can make all mp4 play in my iOS app?' is unfortunately, no, and the same actually applies for Android also.

MP4 is a container format and it can contain many different types of video and audio encodings. Deviecs will typically only support a defined set, although it is typically quite a wide set and it is usually straightforward to choose a format that will work on both Android and iOS, if you have the luxury of being able to specify the format, or can transcode to your chosen format on the server side.

For Android the supported media types are here:

  • https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/media-formats

And for apple devices the best source (at the time of writing) is:

  • https://developer.apple.com/documentation/http_live_streaming/hls_authoring_specification_for_apple_devices

iOS 10 - AVPlayer shows black screen when playing video

Thanks for your replies! I just found that, for some reason in iOS 10 the viewDidLayoutSubviews did not get called as it was in iOS 9. Actually I was setting the player layer's frame in the viewDidLayoutSubviews method. Since it didn't get called, I was not able to see the player on screen. What I did was, set the player layer's frame in the loadPlayer method above.And it works fine. Thanks! Hope this helps someone.


This is the line of code that I moved from viewDidLayoutSubviews to my loadPlayer method and it worked:

self.playerLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height);

Pre-buffering for AVQueuePlayer

Ok, I've looked over this problem again and written some code to check out AVQueuePlayer.

jollyCocoa's answer pointed me in the right direction by suggesting to observe the status property on AVPlayerItem. However the documentation doesn't seem to point out that this property (and it's AVPlayerItemStatusReadyToPlay value in particular) might be related to buffering.

However the AVPlayerItem's loadedTimeRanges property seems more related to buffering.

Doing KVO on that array was a bit trickier - the array object itself doesn't change, only it's items do - so I resorted to printing out it's content every second.

What I found out is that a few seconds in the queue's first item, the loadedTimeRanges for the second item shows up a new CMTimeRange with start time 0 and some small duration. The duration can increase up to 60 or so seconds while the previous item keeps playing.

Short answer: AVQueuePlayer will buffer the next AVPlayerItem while playing the current one.

iPhone X hide home indicator on view controller

You should override prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden in your view controller to achieve that:

override var prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden: Bool {
return true

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