Delegate Property with Different Type in Swift

Override property with different type

The way it works for Objective C is because of the dynamic nature of the language. You can redeclare the type of super class and instead of synthesizing the property you would make it a dynamic type, which would let you redeclare it.

@protocol MyTableViewDelegate<UITableViewDelegate>

- (void)demoDelegateMethod;


@interface WrapperTableView: UITableView

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id <MyTableViewDelegate> delegate;


@implementation WrapperTableView

@dynamic delegate;


But, I doubt this would be possible with Swift, since, you are changing the type completely. It is because of Swift being strong static language.

Answer Edited

I got your approach. I write above approach in Objective-C and then inherit this class in Swift.
So if I have to override SuperClass property with different type I need to create a wrapper class in Objective-C inherit from desired SuperClass and then finally instead of inheriting directly from desired super class I should inherit from the newly created WrapperClass which is written in Objective-C

class MyTableView: WrapperTableView {
//Now Here the delegate object is of type MyTableViewDelegate

This approach is far better then

class MyTableView: UITableView {
private var myDelegate: MyTableViewDelegate?
override var delegate: UITableViewDelegate {
myDelegate = newValue
return myDelegate


Overriding superclass property with different type

The reason it works with UIScrollView and UITableView and their delegates is that they are generated Swift interfaces from the original Objective-C headers.

Objective-C lets you do this. While you can't create Swift classes that do this directly, Swift class interfaces generated from an Objective-C bridging header can result is the case you see here.

Overriding delegate property of UIScrollView in Swift (like UICollectionView does)

I think overriding an inherited property is something that's possible in Objective-C but not (at least currently) in Swift. The way I've handled this is to declare a separate delegate as a computed property of the correct type that gets and sets the actual delegate:

@objc protocol MyScrollViewDelegate : UIScrollViewDelegate, NSObjectProtocol {
func myHeight() -> CGFloat
// ...

class MyScrollView: UIScrollView {
var myDelegate: MyScrollViewDelegate? {
get { return self.delegate as? MyScrollViewDelegate }
set { self.delegate = newValue }

This way anything that calls the scroll view delegate normally still works, and you can call your particular delegate methods on self.myDelegate, like this:

if let height = self.myDelegate?.myHeight() {
// ...

Overriding a superclass delegate in Swift

It's not ideal, but if one protocol is inherited from the other, rather than using different types, use the same type, but implement validation in didSet:

class MyView : UIView {

/// The `MyViewDelegate` delegate

weak var delegate: MyViewDelegate?

class MyViewSubclass: MyView {

/// The `MyViewSubclassDelegate` delegate.
/// **Note: This must be MyViewSubclassDelegate**

override weak var delegate: MyViewDelegate? {
didSet {
assert(delegate == nil || delegate is MyViewSubclassDelegate, "The delegate of MyViewSubclass must be of type `MyViewSubclassDelegate`")

It's inelegant, but at least you'll get an immediate runtime error that will bring the problem to the programmer's attention. And by including the /// comment, it will also be shown in the Quick Help, too.


Alternatively you can adopt more radical changes, e.g. something like delegate and peoplePickerDelegate properties of ABPeoplePickerNavigationController, where the subclass delegate is specified via a different property.

Overriding Swift var with a Different Type

In your class example, SearchBar is a subtype of UISearchBar. However in your protocol example, Optional<SplitViewDelegate> is not a subtype of Optional<UISplitViewControllerDelegate>. The Problem really is: The type Optional<Wrapped> is not covariant on Wrapped. Swift does not and probably will never support co- and contravariance.

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