Swift Struct Adopting Protocol with Static Read-Write Property Doesn't Conform

Swift struct adopting protocol with static read-write property doesn't conform?

At this point I'm persuaded by Nate Cook's example that this is nothing but a bug in the Swift compiler. As he points out, merely adding an empty didSet observer on the static variable allows the code to compile. The fact that this could make a difference, even though it makes no functional difference, has "bug" written all over it.

Is it possible to have a Swift protocol that enforces static method and not class method or vice versa?

You can't, because the apple's docs says explicitly to use only static for this purpose:

To declare a class or static method requirement in a protocol
declaration, mark the method declaration with the static declaration

Source: Protocol Method Declaration

When you implement the static method of the protocol in your class, there is no difference in using class or static in your implementation.

protocol ProtocolForClasses: class {
static func method()

class ClassOne: ProtocolForClasses {
class func method() {


class ClassTwo: ProtocolForClasses {
static func method() {


Why declare readonly property in protocol?

So that it's not settable from outside the class/struct. Imagine your API returned some instance of a protocol that has a get and set property (in your protocol), then anyone getting this instance would be able to set the value!

Also get and set properties can't be constants:

protocol RWProt {
var value : Int { get set }

// Error: Type 'Value' does not conform to protocol 'RWProt'
struct Value : RWProt {
let value = 0

This however works:

protocol Read {
var value : Int { get }

struct Value : Read {
var value = 0

mutating func change() {

The protocol only needs the value to be gettable, so get protocols properties are not get only but rather get or set

Okay, here is another example:

import Foundation

public protocol ExternalInterface {
var value : Int { get }

private struct PrivateStuff : ExternalInterface {
var value = 0

mutating func doSomePrivateChangingStuff() {
value = Int(arc4random())

public func getInterfaceToPrivateStuff() -> ExternalInterface {
var stuff = PrivateStuff()
return stuff

// In another file:

let interfaceToSomethingICantChange = getInterfaceToPrivateStuff()

// error: cannot assign to property: 'value' is a get-only property
interfaceToSomethingICantChange.value = 0

In Swift, why does assigning to a static variable also invoke its getter

This is because static and global stored variables are currently (this is all subject to change) only given one accessor by the compiler – unsafeMutableAddressor, which gets a pointer to the variable's storage (this can be seen by examining the SIL or IR emitted).

This accessor:

  1. Gets a pointer to a compiler-generated global flag determining whether the static variable has been initialised.

  2. Calls swift_once with this pointer, along with a function that initialises the static variable (this is the initialiser expression you give it, i.e = Hat()). On Apple platforms, swift_once simply forwards onto dispatch_once_f.

  3. Returns a pointer to the static variable's storage, which the caller is then free to read and mutate – as the storage has static lifetime.

So it does more or less the equivalent of the Objective-C thread-safe lazy initialisation pattern:

+(Hat*) hat {

static Hat* sharedHat = nil;
static dispatch_once_t oncePredicate;

dispatch_once(&oncePredicate, ^{
sharedHat = [[Hat alloc] init];

return sharedHat;

The main difference being that Swift gives back a pointer to the storage of sharedHat (a pointer to a reference), rather than sharedHat itself (just a reference to the instance).

Because this is the one and only accessor for static and global stored variables, in order to perform an assignment, Swift needs to call it in order to get the pointer to the storage. Therefore, if it wasn't initialised already – the accessor needs to first initialise it to its default value (as it has no idea what the caller is going to do with it), before the caller then sets it to another value.

This behaviour is indeed somewhat unintuitive, and has been filed as a bug. As Jordan Rose says in the comments of the report:

This is currently by design, but it might be worth changing the design.

So this behaviour could well change in a future version of the language.

Satisfy protocol requirement with property of covariant type

Question: Are there any workarounds for this limitation?

You could use an associatedtype in P (conforming to V) that is used as the type annotation of v in P, and use this associatedtype as a generic typeholder for types conforming to P.

protocol V {}

protocol P {
associatedtype T: V
var v: T? { get }

/* typeholder conformance via protocol inheritance */
protocol Some: V {}

class B<T: Some>: P {
var v: T?

/* ... protocol composition */
protocol Another {}

class C<T: Another & V>: P {
var v: T?

How to work around Swift not supporting first class meta types?

The solution seems to be a type-erased wrapper. Type-erasure fixes the problem of not being able to use protocols with associated types (PATs) as first-class citizens, by creating a wrapper type, which only exposes the properties defined by the protocol, which it wraps.

In this case, LanguageType is a PAT, due to its adoption of Equatable (which it conforms to, due to its adoption of Hashable):

protocol LanguageType: Hashable { /*...*/ }

Therefore it can not be used as a first-class type in the Translatable protocol:

protocol Translatable {
var translations: [LanguageType: [String]] { get set } // error

Defining an associated type for Translatable would not fix the problem, as this would constrain the LanguageType to be one specific type:

protocol Translatable {
typealias Language: LanguageType

var translations: [Language: [String]] { get set } // works

struct MyTranslatable<T: LanguageType>: Translatable {
var translations: [T: [String]] // `T` can only be one specific type


As mentioned the solution is a type-erased wrapper AnyLanguage (Apple uses the same naming convention for their type-erased wrappers. For example AnySequence):

// `AnyLanguage` exposes all of the properties defined by `LanguageType`
// in this case, there's only the `description` property
struct AnyLanguage: LanguageType {
private(set) var description: String

// `AnyLanguage` can be initialized with any type conforming to `LanguageType`
init<T: LanguageType>(_ language: T) { description = language.description }

// needed for `AnyLanguage` to conform to `LanguageType`, as the protocol inherits for `Hashable`, which inherits from `Equatable`
func ==(left: AnyLanguage, right: AnyLanguage) -> Bool {
return left.description == right.description

// the use of `AnyLanguage` allows any `LanguageType` to be used as the dictionary's `Key`, as long as it is wrapped as `AnyLanguage`
protocol Translateable {
var translations: [AnyLanguage: [String]] { get set }

This implementation now allows the following:

struct SomethingTranslatable: Translatable {
var translations: [AnyLanguage: [String]] = [:]

func ==(left: SomethingTranslatable, right: SomethingTranslatable) -> Bool { /*return some `Bool`*/ }

struct English: LanguageType { }
struct German: LanguageType { }

var something = SomethingTranslatable()
something.translations[AnyLanguage(English())] = ["Hello", "World"]
let germanWords = something.translations[AnyLanguage(German())]

Different types, conforming to LanguageType, can now be used as the Key. The only syntactical difference, is the necessary initialization of an AnyLanguage:


How to make array of protocol at the same time conform to Equatable?

Thanks to @Alexander and his pointed video resource - https://youtu.be/_m6DxTEisR8?t=2585

Here's is the good workaround, to overcome the current limitation of Swift's protocol.

protocol Animal {
func isEqual(to: Animal) -> Bool

func isEqual(lhs: [Animal], rhs: [Animal]) -> Bool {
let count0 = lhs.count
let count1 = rhs.count

if count0 != count1 {
return false

for i in 0..<count0 {
if !(lhs[i].isEqual(to: rhs[i])) {
return false

return true

// struct. By conforming Equatable, struct is getting an auto
// implementation of "static func == (lhs: Dog, rhs: Dog) -> Bool"
struct Dog: Animal, Equatable {
func isEqual(to other: Animal) -> Bool {
guard let other = other as? Dog else { return false }
return self == other

// class
class Cat: Animal, Equatable {
static func == (lhs: Cat, rhs: Cat) -> Bool {
// TODO:
return true

func isEqual(to other: Animal) -> Bool {
guard let other = other as? Cat else { return false }
return self == other

var animals0 = [Animal]()
var animals1 = [Animal]()

// Instead of using
// if animals0 == animals1 {
// we will use the following function call

if isEqual(lhs: animals0, rhs: animals1) {


Conforming to Hashable protocol?

You're missing the declaration:

struct DateStruct: Hashable {

And your == function is wrong. You should compare the three properties.

static func == (lhs: DateStruct, rhs: DateStruct) -> Bool {
return lhs.year == rhs.year && lhs.month == rhs.month && lhs.day == rhs.day

It's possible for two different values to have the same hash value.

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