How to Reconnect Akplayer and Akmixer After Audiokit.Stop()

AudioKit: AKPlayer not loading AKAudioFile at all

This has been addressed in an upcoming bug fix. The problem was that AKPlayer was assuming the passed in AKAudioFile was opened forReading, whereas the AKMicrophone's associated file was forWriting.

AKAudioPlayer created a duplicated file object which is why it worked there. Should be updated very soon!

AudioKit crashes when try record after playing in AKPlayer

I'm pretty sure this will be solved in today's AudioKit 4.5.2 release, uploading now.

Synchronizing AKPlayer with AKSampleMetronome

you are calling the AVAudioTime playback function with a Double parameter. That's incorrect. If you want to start the AKPlayer with a seconds param, use time)

In general, you're close. This is how you do it:

    let startTime: Double = 1

let hostTime = mach_absolute_time()
let now = AVAudioTime(hostTime: hostTime)
let avTime = now.offset(seconds: startTime)
metronome.setBeatTime(0, at: avTime) avTime)

Basically you need to give a common clock to each unit (mach_absolute_time()), then use AVAudioTime to start them at the exact time. The metronome.setBeatTime is telling the metronome to reset it's 0 point at the passed in avTime.

Using toggle (on-off) switch on AKPlayer

To discover what is really happening here, you can log the contents of the tracks after each delete. For example:

for (i, track) in sequencer.tracks.enumerated() {
print("track: \(i)")

One possibility is that when you delete track 0, the tracks re-index themselves, which means the second delete call would have no effect.

Perhaps a safer and more predictable way to handle this would be to use track.clear() rather than delete. You can create the tracks you will need at the start and assign their output to the AKCallbackInstrument only once at the setup stage. Then you can safely add notes to the tracks or clear events from the tracks as needed. Again, logging the track contents with track.getMIDINoteData() will be helpful for debugging.

Also, I wouldn't recommend stopping and starting AudioKit more than you need to. Start AudioKit when you initialize your app, and leave it on unless you have a compelling reason to stop it.

AudioKit : AKNodeOutputPlot and AKMicrophone not working, potentially due to Lifecycle or MVVM architecture decisions

AudioKit 4.6 fixed all the issues! Highly encourage MVVM/Modularization of AudioKit for your projects!


So after alot of experiments. I have come to a few conclusions:

  1. In a separate project, I brought over my AudioKitConfigurator and Microphone classes, initialized them, hooked them to a AKNodeOutputPlot and it worked flawlessly.

  2. In my very large project, no matter what I do, I cannot get the same classes to work at all.

For now, I am reverting back to an old build, slowly adding components until it breaks again, and will update the architecture one by one, as this problem is too complex and might be interacting with some other libraries. I have also downgraded from AudioKit 4.5.6, to AudioKit 4.5.3.

This is not a solution, but the only one that is workable right now. The good news is, it is entirely possible to format AudioKit to work with an MVVM architecture.

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