Swift Protocol as Generic Parameter

Swift Protocol as Generic Parameter to Class

It turns out that all you need to specify a single @objc protocol that all of your other protocols (which must also be @objc protocols) conform to, for example:

import Foundation

@objc protocol SuperProtocol {}
@objc protocol MyProtocol: SuperProtocol {
func foo()

class MyConformingClass: MyProtocol {
func foo() {

class ProtocolPrinter<T: SuperProtocol> {
func printT() {
print("T: \(T.self)")

func dosomethingWithObject(_ object: T) {
if let object = object as? MyProtocol {
} else {
print("I don't know what object this is: \(object).")

let x = MyConformingClass()
x.foo() // Foo!
let myProtocolMeta: Protocol = MyProtocol.self

ProtocolPrinter<MyProtocol>().dosomethingWithObject(MyConformingClass()) // Foo!

How to pass generic protocol as function parameter

You must use Datatype as a generic constraint:

func set<T: Datatype>(key: String, type: T ,value: T.dataType)

Note how you also need to change the type of the value parameter to T.dataType, for this to be type safe. That is, the value you pass in must be the same type as the dataType of the type parameter.

Swift Protocol as Generic Parameter

This is a modified version of my type assertion technique. I added the "as? AnyClass" assert so that the type can only be of protocol type. There might be a more elegant way of doing this but going through my notes and research about class assertion this is what I came up with.

import Foundation

protocol IDescribable:class{}
class A:IDescribable{}
class B:A{}

let a = A()
let b = B()

func ofType<T>(instance:Any?,_ type:T.Type) -> T?{/*<--we use the ? char so that it can also return a nil*/
if(instance as? T != nil && type as? AnyClass == nil){return instance as? T}
return nil


How to pass protocol with associated type (generic protocol) as parameter in Swift?

If you use typealias in a protocol to make it generic-like, then you cannot use it as a variable type until the associated type is resolved. As you have probably experienced, using a protocol with associated type to define a variable (or function parameter) results in a compilation error:

Protocol 'MyProtocol' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self os associated type requirements

That means you cannot use it as a concrete type.

So the only 2 ways I am aware of to use a protocol with associated type as a concrete type are:

  • indirectly, by creating a class that implements it. Probably not what you have planned to do
  • making explicit the associated type like you did in your func

See also related answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/26271483/148357

SwifT: Generic function that gets generic protocol as parameter not working

I'm not sure why you say "the protocol only demands that Element implements CustomStringConvertible." The protocol demands that echo accept and return its Element, which may or may not be String. For example, I can implement this conforming type:

struct AnotherFoo: FooProtocol {
func echo(element: Int) -> Int { fatalError() }

So what should happen if I then call:

callEcho(container: AnotherFoo())

This would try to pass a string literal to a function that requires an Int.

Swift - implement protocol with generic method for different T types

The way you have it written, by conforming to the protocol Client, you have to implement a function get, with a generic, unconstrained argument T. In the example implementations provided, you added a type constraint to the generic parameter T, which does not match the function in the protocol.

There's more than one way you can approach a solution to this problem. Keeping in mind that you said all entities will conform to Mockable, the solution that requires the least change to the code you provided is to use protocol composition to enforce that all parameters T conform to both Decodable and Mockable.

protocol Client {
func get<T: Decodable & Mockable>(_ url: String) -> Promise<T>

In your clients, you would implement that function exactly as written.

Now, in your MockClient, you can call T.mock(), and in your real implementations, you can treat T as Decodable as required. Of course, this now requires that even your mock arguments conform to Decodable, but I would assume your mock arguments will be fairly lightweight and thus this wouldn't be a problem.

Why can't I pass a Protocol.Type to a generic T.Type parameter?

P.Type vs. P.Protocol

There are two kinds of protocol metatypes. For some protocol P, and a conforming type C:

  • A P.Protocol describes the type of a protocol itself (the only value it can hold is P.self).
  • A P.Type describes a concrete type that conforms to the protocol. It can hold a value of C.self, but not P.self because protocols don't conform to themselves (although one exception to this rule is Any, as Any is the top type, so any metatype value can be typed as Any.Type; including Any.self).

The problem you're facing is that for a given generic placeholder T, when T is some protocol P, T.Type is not P.Type – it is P.Protocol.

So if we jump back to your example:

protocol P {}
class C : P {}

func printType<T>(serviceType: T.Type) {

let test: P.Type = C.self

// Cannot invoke 'printType' with an argument list of type '(serviceType: P.Type)'
printType(serviceType: test)

We cannot pass test as an argument to printType(serviceType:). Why? Because test is a P.Type; and there's no substitution for T that makes the serviceType: parameter take a P.Type.

If we substitute in P for T, the parameter takes a P.Protocol:

printType(serviceType: P.self) // fine, P.self is of type P.Protocol, not P.Type

If we substitute in a concrete type for T, such as C, the parameter takes a C.Type:

printType(serviceType: C.self) // C.self is of type C.Type

Hacking around with protocol extensions

Okay, so we've learnt that if we can substitute in a concrete type for T, we can pass a C.Type to the function. Can we substitute in the dynamic type that the P.Type wraps? Unfortunately, this requires a language feature called opening existentials, which currently isn't directly available to users.

However, Swift does implicitly open existentials when accessing members on a protocol-typed instance or metatype (i.e it digs out the runtime type and makes it accessible in the form of a generic placeholder). We can take advantage of this fact in a protocol extension:

protocol P {}
class C : P {}

func printType<T>(serviceType: T.Type) {
print("T.self = \(T.self)")
print("serviceType = \(serviceType)")

extension P {
static func callPrintType/*<Self : P>*/(/*_ self: Self.Type*/) {
printType(serviceType: self)

let test: P.Type = C.self
// T.self = C
// serviceType = C

There's quite a bit of stuff going on here, so let's unpack it a little bit:

  • The extension member callPrintType() on P has an implicit generic placeholder Self that's constrained to P. The implicit self parameter is typed using this placeholder.

  • When calling callPrintType() on a P.Type, Swift implicitly digs out the dynamic type that the P.Type wraps (this is the opening of the existential), and uses it to satisfy the Self placeholder. It then passes this dynamic metatype to the implicit self parameter.

  • So, Self will be satisfied by C, which can then be forwarded onto printType's generic placeholder T.

Why is T.Type not P.Type when T == P?

You'll notice how the above workaround works because we avoided substituting in P for the generic placeholder T. But why when substituting in a protocol type P for T, is T.Type not P.Type?

Well, consider:

func foo<T>(_: T.Type) {
let t: T.Type = T.self

What if we substituted in P for T? If T.Type is P.Type, then what we've got is:

func foo(_: P.Type) {
// Cannot convert value of type 'P.Protocol' to specified type 'P.Type'
let p: P.Type = P.self

which is illegal; we cannot assign P.self to P.Type, as it's of type P.Protocol, not P.Type.

So, the upshot is that if you want a function parameter that takes a metatype describing any concrete type that conforms to P (rather than just one specific concrete conforming type) – you just want a P.Type parameter, not generics. Generics don't model heterogenous types, that's what protocol types are for.

And that's exactly what you have with printType(conformingClassType:):

func printType(conformingClassType: P.Type) {

printType(conformingClassType: test) // okay

You can pass test to it because it has a parameter of type P.Type. But you'll note this now means we cannot pass P.self to it, as it is not of type P.Type:

// Cannot convert value of type 'P.Protocol' to expected argument type 'P.Type'
printType(conformingClassType: P.self)

Swift Generics: Conforming to protocol by constraining generic parameters to variable types defined by said protocol

The protocol says a different thing from what your implementation says.

Fact 1

According to the protocol this getter

var assignment: Assignment { get }

can return any value conforming to Assignment.

Fact 2

On the other hand your implementation here

var assignment: A

says that assignment will contain a value of a specific type A (which happens to conform to Assignment).

These are 2 very different statements.

The fix

Here's an easy fix

protocol AssignmentTimeLog {

associatedtype A: Assignment
associatedtype B: TimeLog

var assignment: A { get }
var timeLog: B { get }

struct MyAssignmentTimeLog<A, T>: AssignmentTimeLog where A: Assignment, T: TimeLog {

var assignment: A
var timeLog: T


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