Swift Firebase Using an Unspecified Index

firebase Error Consider adding .indexOn:

*Please, study the comments to know how the problem was actually solved.

Try this, and with the same Data(with capital "D") in rules as well as in your query like Jen suggested .

"rules": {
".read": true,
".write": true,
"Data" : {
".indexOn": "date"


And try this

var ref: FIRDatabaseReference!
ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference()

instead of

ref = Database.database().reference()

Firebase security rules continue to ask Consider adding .indexOn: even after adding indexOn

Indexes needs to be defined on the location where you use them in your query. So to define an index on /users with the username property of each child node:

  "users" : {
".indexOn" : "username"

Using an unspecified index. Consider adding .indexOn: g

Removing the brackets around ["g"] fixes the problem. Here is the final piece of code:

"rules": {
"karmadots": {
".read": true,
".write": true,
"geofire": {
".indexOn": "g"

FIREBASE WARNING: Using an unspecified index. Consider adding .indexOn: Keyboards at / to your security rules for better performance

You are running the same query multiple times and ordering by the same child each time: Keyboards. Firebase is telling you that you probably want to index this search, kinda like telling the database that your are going to do this often so be prepared that I am going to do this search often.

It is explained here: Index your data

You can set up indexes under Database -> Rules in your project.

Annoying issue regarding indexOn in Firebase rules

I solved it!

The thing I did not realize was that the above code in my question DOES print the snapshot successfully after adding the appropriate index definition on /users. My issue was realizing you need to loop through the snapshot if you want to further access data of the username snapshot I was querying for accordingly. That would look something like this

let ref = Database.database().reference().child("users").queryOrdered(byChild: "username").queryEqual(toValue: passedInFriendString)
ref.observeSingleEvent(of: .value) { (snapshot) in
for child in snapshot.children {
guard let snap = child as? DataSnapshot else {return}
if snap.hasChild("email") {
print("It has an email")

Thanks to Frank above for guiding me and confirming that I was on the right track. I'm happy to have learned something new and super efficient whenever I need to grab data.

firebase .indexOn warning with autoId

Most likely you are trying to query the comments for a specific post.

In that case you need to tell the database to index the comments for each post. The syntax for that is:

"rules": {
".read": "auth != true",
".write": "auth != true",
"comments" : {
"$commentId": {
".indexOn" : ["count"]

With this you can order the comments for a specific post by the value of their count property.

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