Split Now Complains About Missing "Isseparator"

split now complains about missing isSeparator

It seems that the order of the parameters changed in Swift 1.2:

let bits = split(value!, maxSplit: Int.max, allowEmptySlices: false,
isSeparator: { $0 == " "})

or, using the default values:

let bits = split(value!, isSeparator: { $0 == " "})

The predicate is now the last parameter and requires an external
parameter name isSeparator because it is preceded by optional parameters.

The advantage of this change is that you can use the trailing closure

let bits = split(value!, maxSplit: Int.max, allowEmptySlices: false) { $0 == " " }


let bits = split(value!) { $0 == " " }

Function remove(atOffsets:) complains about wrong type only at runtime

You should add:

import SwiftUI

to your script because it contains remove(atOffsets:) implementation and XCode doesn't import this framework implicitly.

Split a string into an Array in Swift

As said in the comments to the question, the correct way is to use the == operator instead of =.

The type (S.Generator.Element) -> R) must be interpreted in the light of the definition of split:

func split<S : Sliceable, R : BooleanType>
(elements: S,
maxSplit: Int = default,
allowEmptySlices: Bool = default,
#isSeparator: @noescape (S.Generator.Element) -> R)
-> [S.SubSlice]

The type of split is a generic one: in other words, it is a function that can take as first parameter any value that satisfy a generic type (or protocol) subtype of Sliceable, like String, and return a result which must be a subtype of BooleanType (for instance true or false, which are instances of Bool). So the last parameter is a function which gets as parameter a type which is Element of Generator of S (for instance Character) and returns a value of type R. And {$0 == " "} is exactly a predicate of this type, that has an (implicit) parameter ($0), and check if it is equal to the character " ".

Swift version of componentsSeparatedByString

If you want to split a string by a given character then you can use the
built-in split() method, without needing Foundation:

let str = "Today is so hot"
let arr = split(str, { $0 == " "}, maxSplit: Int.max, allowEmptySlices: false)
println(arr) // [Today, is, so, hot]

Update for Swift 1.2: The order of the parameters changed with Swift 1.2 (Xcode 6.3), compare split now complains about missing "isSeparator":

let str = "Today is so hot"
let arr = split(str, maxSplit: Int.max, allowEmptySlices: false, isSeparator: { $0 == " "} )
println(arr) // [Today, is, so, hot]

Update for Swift 2: See Stuart's answer.

Update for Swift 3:

let str = "Today is so hot"
let arr = str.characters.split(separator: " ").map(String.init)

Why did the width collapse in the percentage width child element in an absolutely positioned parent on Internet Explorer 7?

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