Binary Operator '/' Cannot Be Applied to Two 'Double' Operands

binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'Double' operands

The error is a bit misleading.

In the first set of code, array2 is implicitly declared as an array of Int. So any attempt to assign a value to an index of array2 will require an Int value.

The problem is that Double(value) / 2.0 results in a Double value, not an Int. So the compiler is looking for a version of / that returns an Int. And that version expects two Int parameters. Since you are supplying two Double parameters, you get the error mentioned in your question.

The solution is to either cast the result to an Int or use two Int parameters to /.

var array2 = [8, 7, 19, 20]

for (index, value) in array2.enumerated() {
array2[index] = Int(Double(value) / 2.0) // cast to Int


var array2 = [8, 7, 19, 20]

for (index, value) in array2.enumerated() {
array2[index] = value / 2 // Use two Int

The result will be the same in this case. 8 will be replaced with 4. 7 will be replaced with 3, etc.

The second set of code works as-is because you declare the array to be filled with Double so everything matches up with the correct type.

Swift - Binary Operator == cannot be applied to two [[Double]] operands

In this case there is nothing misleading.

Normally the == operator is defined for Equatable items. That allows two Double values to be compared to each other, e.g. 1.0 == 1.0.

Then we have a specific == operator defined on Arrays of Equatable items:

public func ==<Element : Equatable>(lhs: [Element], rhs: [Element]) -> Bool

That means that you can compare any arrays with equatable items. However, the arrays themselves are not Equatable.

There is no such operator defined for nested arrays.

You would have to define:

public func ==<Element : Equatable>(lhs: [[Element]], rhs: [[Element]]) -> Bool {

Swift-Binary operator cannot be applied to two Double operands

The error message is a bit misleading. The real problem is that scale(by:duration:) takes a CGFloat as the scale:

open class func scale(by scale: CGFloat, duration sec: TimeInterval) -> SKAction

So, you need to pass a CGFloat. You can either work to make sure variable1 and variable3 are CGFloats, or you can use the CGFloat constructor to convert it from a Double:

let scaleAction = SKAction.scale(by: CGFloat(variable1 * variable3), duration: 1)

Binary operator '/' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands

Simply specify one of the Numeric protocols.

For floating point precision:

struct PickerRange<T:FloatingPoint> {
var start: T
var end: T
var step: T

var length: T {
return max(start, end) - (min(start,end) / step)

SignedInteger, UnsignedInteger or other Numeric protocols are also an option.

// Comparable

Neither of these require of you to specify Comparable additionally, so specifying one of these is suffice for the case.


How to make one structure for Int and Double?

Essentially, you can, by specifying SignedNumeric:

struct PickerRange<T:SignedNumeric & Comparable> {
var start: T
var end: T
var step: T

// Treated as PickerRange<Double>
let a = PickerRange(start: 1.0, end: 5.0, step: 1)

// Treated as PickerRange<Int>
let b = PickerRange(start: 1, end: 5, step: 1)

However, you have specialized length property, which includes / operator not supported by SignedNumeric. A workaround would consist in type-checking/force-casting to a type you have initialized your struct with:

struct PickerRange<T:SignedNumeric & Comparable> {
var start: T
var end: T
var step: T

var length: T {
if T.self is Double.Type {
return (max(start, end) as! Double) - ((min(start, end) as! Double) / (step as! Double)) as! T
} else if T.self is Int.Type {
return (max(start, end) as! Int) - ((min(start, end) as! Int) / (step as! Int)) as! T
} else {
return 0

let a = PickerRange(start: 1.0, end: 5.0, step: 1)
let b = PickerRange(start: 1, end: 10, step: 1)


Binary operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Float' and 'Double'

    var lowPassReslts: Double = 0.0
var lowPassReslts1: Double = 0.0

let ALPHA: Float = 1.05

let averagePowerForChannel = pow(10, (0.05 * audioPlayer.averagePower(forChannel: 0)))
lowPassReslts = Double(ALPHA * Float(averagePowerForChannel) + (1.0 - ALPHA) * Float(lowPassReslts))

let averagePowerForChannel1 = pow(10, (0.05 * audioPlayer.averagePower(forChannel: 1)))
lowPassReslts1 = Double(ALPHA * Float(averagePowerForChannel1) + (1.0 - ALPHA) * Float(lowPassReslts1))

Binary operator '*' cannot be applied to two 'Int?' operands

The problem are the pointless and wrong type annotations. Remove them! All values are non-optional (and constants)

func calculateIMC(){

let textHeight = height.text
let textWeight = weight.text
let intHeight = Int(textHeight!) ?? 0
let intWeight = Int(textWeight!) ?? 0

let calculateHeight = intHeight * intHeight // probably intHeight * intWeight

Swift binary operator '+' cannot be applied to two CGFloat operands

The error message is wrong. The problem is that you are trying to multiply an Int and a CGFloat.


innerY = innerY - CGFloat(gridHeight * row)


innerY = innerY - gridHeight * CGFloat(row)

The answer above is for the current version of your code. For the commented out version that corresponds to the error message you posted:


var innerY: CGFloat = CGFloat(relativePosition.y) + CGFloat(gridHeight * row)


var innerY: CGFloat = CGFloat(relativePosition.y) + gridHeight * CGFloat(row)

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