Sort Dictionary Alphabetically Cannot Assign Value of Type '[(Key: String, Value: Anyobject)]' to Type 'Dictionary<String, Anyobject>'

Swift 4 Dictionary [String : AnyObject] sort by key in alphabetical order

I think the first step is to change

let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options:.allowFragments) as! [String : AnyObject]


let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options:.allowFragments) as! [String : Any]

But I cannot understand why you want to sort a Dictionary.. Maybe You intended to declare variable json as Array?

Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'AnyObject?' , Swift 3, Xcode 8 beta 6

In b6, String no longer magically bridges to NSString. String is not a class; it's a struct. You need to do the bridging by hand:

dict["key"] = "value" as AnyObject

The fact that is still seems to be bridging is likely a bug and should be reported.

It goes without saying that [String: AnyObject] and [String: Any] should be used as little as possible in your code.

(Make sure to follow the link Hamish provides in the comments below.)

Can't assign value of type Dictionary to LazyMapCollection

It may be that Dictionary.keys returned a LazyMapCollection in earlier Swift versions. In Swift 5 it is Dictionary<Key, Value>.Keys as can be seen from the documentation, in your case

var answerKeys: Dictionary<IntPoint, String>.Keys

But note that you can always access answer.keys in your code instead of assigning this to a separate property.

Cannot assign value of type String to type AnyObject? Swift 3.0

String is the value type. AnyObject only accepts reference types. So in order to add both value types and reference types in Dictionary use Any instead of AnyObject, i.e.

var parameters = [String: Any]()

This is an addition to Swift 3.0.

Swift filter dictionary error: Cannot assign a value of type '[(_, _)]' to a value of type '[_ : _]'

This has been fixed in Swift 4

let data = ["a": 0, "b": 42]
let filtered = data.filter { $0.value > 10 }
print(filtered) // ["b": 42]

In Swift 4, a filtered dictionary returns a dictionary.

Original answer for Swift 2 and 3

The problem is that data is a dictionary but the result of filter is an array, so the error message says that you can't assign the result of the latter to the former.

You could just create a new variable/constant for your resulting array:

let data: [String: String] = [:]
let filtered = data.filter { $0.1 == "Test" }

Here filtered is an array of tuples: [(String, String)].

Once filtered, you can recreate a new dictionary if this is what you need:

var newData = [String:String]()
for result in filtered {
newData[result.0] = result.1

If you decide not to use filter you could mutate your original dictionary or a copy of it:

var data = ["a":"Test", "b":"nope"]
for (key, value) in data {
if value != "Test" {
print(data) // ["a": "Test"]

Note: in Swift 3, removeValueForKey has been renamed removeValue(forKey:), so in this example it becomes data.removeValue(forKey: key).

Cannot assign value of type '[String : AnyObject]

The problem is that you cannot split [] operator onto a separate line in Swift: square brackets need to be on the same line as the dictionary being dereferenced. Also don't forget to dismiss and release the picker.

imgview.image = info[UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage] as UIImage

Since Swift does not use mandatory semicolons to break down statements, you need to pay more attention to what goes onto which line. Your code is interpreted like this:

  • Assign info to imgview.image
  • Cast an array that consists of UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage to UIImage

Obviously, this is not the effect that you were trying to get. Moving square brackets to the same line as info will fix this problem.

SwiftUI iterating through dictionary with ForEach

Simple answer: no.

As you correctly pointed out, a dictionary is unordered. The ForEach watches its collection for changes. These changes includes inserts, deletions, moves and update. If any of those changes occurs, an update will be triggered. Reference: at 46:10:

A ForEach automatically watches for changes in his collection

I recommend you watch the talk :)

You can not use a ForEach because:

  1. It watches a collection and monitors movements. Impossible with an unorered dictionary.
  2. When reusing views (like a UITableView reuses cells when cells can be recycled, a List is backed by UITableViewCells, and I think a ForEach is doing the same thing), it needs to compute what cell to show. It does that by querying an index path from the data source. Logically speaking, an index path is useless if the data source is unordered.

Can't add UInt64 to dictionary of type: [String : AnyObject?]

This used to work in an earlier version of Swift when Swift types were automatically bridged to Foundation types. Now that that feature has been removed, you have to do it explicitly:

You can just explicitly cast them to AnyObject:

let dic : [String: AnyObject?] = [
"Name": someString_Variable as AnyObject,
"Sum": someUInt64_Variable as AnyObject

and Swift will convert them to Foundation types NSString for String and NSNumber for UInt64.

It might be clearer if you just cast to those types yourself:

let dic : [String: AnyObject?] = [
"Name": someString_Variable as NSString,
"Sum": someUInt64_Variable as NSNumber

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