Parse Migration Error to Mlabs and Heroku

Parse migration Error to mLabs and Heroku

As the logs show your serverURL is missing. In your index.js you can add it to your constructor then redeploy on heroku:

var api = new ParseServer({
databaseURI: databaseUri || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/dev',
cloud: process.env.CLOUD_CODE_MAIN || __dirname + '/cloud/main.js',
appId: process.env.APP_ID || 'xxxxxx',
masterKey: process.env.MASTER_KEY || 'zzzzz',
restAPIKey: 'yyyyyy',
serverURL: process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:1337/parse',

Migrating from parse - and Heroku+mLab both are responding after migration

Yes even if you have migrated to your own server, you will be able to access dashboard GUI.
Currently your data is accessible from Parse API and your server's API both.

Check this guidline

After January or something, when is completely down, you ll have to install on your own server/develop your own dashboard.

Parse Server Dashboard Reference

Creating ParseObject after migration to mLab with Heroku

So after checking the callback exception, I noticed that the action "create" was denied. Therefore, I went in to the Schema table on mLab and noticed that the create section did not say "true"

"_id": "version",
"_metadata": {
"class_permissions": {
"get": {
"*": true
"find": {
"*": true
"update": {
"*": true
"create": {
"*": true
"delete": {},
"addField": {
"*": true
"readUserFields": [],
"writeUserFields": []
"version": "string",
"link": "string",
"latest": "boolean"


After I had changed the state of the class permissions, everything worked as intended. To anyone else, who has recently migrated from to Heroku with the MongoDB add on, please check that the _SCHEMA section has the right permissions, it saves you a lot of time and prevents you from thinking that you are going insane. :)

Internal server error when migrating Parse to Heroku/AWS

Solved the issue, it was a silly mistake, the problem was that I had an @symbol in the password and I had not url-encoded it. When I escaped the symbol and restarted the server it started working.

Connecting to MongoDB database on mLab fails authentication

You can get the dbuser and dbpass with:

heroku config | grep MONGODB_URI

Grab the dbuser (example_user) and dbpass (example_pass) from the response:

MONGOLAB_URI: mongodb://

Parse Migration Issue

If you didn't migrate before the end of January, and you don't have any backups, all your data is probably lost.
You can try emailing the migration team at But as you had a year to migrate, I doubt they will be able to help, even if they have backups.

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