Nsmenuitem with Action Added to Nsstatusbar Is Grayed Out When The Selected Function Is Moved to Other Class

NSMenuItem with action added to NSStatusBar is grayed out when the selected function is moved to other class

The solution was to manually set the target property to self as @vadian and @red_menace helped me discover in the comments of the question.

The working code looks like this:

import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var statusBarItemController: StatusBarItemController?

func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
statusBarItemController = StatusBarItemController()

func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Insert code here to tear down your application

import Cocoa

class StatusBarItemController: NSObject {
let statusBarItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.squareLength)

override init() {
if let button = statusBarItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: NSImage.Name("trayIcon"))

func constructMenu() {
if let button = statusBarItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(named: NSImage.Name("trayIcon"))
let menu = NSMenu()

let fromTheWindowsItem = NSMenuItem(
title: "From the windows...",
action: #selector(StatusBarItemController.printToTheWalls(_:)),
keyEquivalent: ""
fromTheWindowsItem.target = self
title: "Quit",
action: #selector(NSApplication.terminate(_:)),
keyEquivalent: "q"

statusBarItem.menu = menu

@objc func printToTheWalls(_ sender: NSMenuItem) {
print("To the Walls!")

StatusItem in MacOS menubar is greyed out and doesn't work

You have to set the target.

let playMenuItem = menu.addItem(withTitle: "Play Pause", action: #selector(onClickPlayPause), keyEquivalent: "1")
playMenuItem.target = self

The Quit item works via First Responder.

NSMenuItem is not enabled swift

The target needs to be self instead of nil.

menuItem.target = self

Adding IBOutlets to Other Class Files in Swift?

Create a XIB file or use storyboard and set it's file owner as your UI view controller. Then setup your actions and outlets there. I would recommend you watch some videos on you tube before you proceed.

NSMenuItem enabled state, dynamic naming and target action

See the NSMenuValidation protocol.

You implement -validateMenuItem:, which is used to determine whether a menu item should be enabled or disabled. It's called for each menu item just before a menu is popped up.

menu items disabled in macOS menubar App

Your Quit menu item is working "accidentally". It is not using the terminate(_:) method you implemented. Put a print() statement there and you'll see it's not being invoked.

A menu item either has a specific target object assigned or it uses the responder chain to search for an appropriate target. You are not assigning a target for your menu items, so they are using the responder chain. Your MenuBarActions class is not part of the responder chain. (Classes generally can't be. Certain objects can be.) So, the menu items will never target your class.

The Quit menu works because the application object is on the responder chain and it has a terminate(_:) method. In fact, that's what your terminate(_:) method would invoke if it were ever being called. But the menu item is actually invoking it directly.

You should create an actual controller object (not just class) that implements the action methods and set the menu items' target property to it.

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