Inferred to Have Type 'Anyclass', Which May Be Unexpected

How to solve Swift warning: Constant 'value' inferred to have type 'AnyClass?' (aka 'Optional AnyObject.Type '), which may be unexpected ?

You can silence the warning by modifying your code to:

func configure(with classesReuseRegistry: [String: AnyClass?]) {
var collectionView = UICollectionView() // Temp collection var for testing purposes

for classDict in classesReuseRegistry {
collectionView.register(classDict.value, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: classDict.key)

I think that the warning is caused by having AnyClass, which is a type alias, as dictionary value, and not a value type like Int, String, ...

Inferred to have type 'AnyClass', which may be unexpected

You actually mean AnyClass here, so you just need to tell the compiler that:

if let runningTests: AnyClass = NSClassFromString("XCTestCase") {
return false

Constant 'weight' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected

The let weight = ... line contains two assignments which is not supported (it never was).

Probably you want this

@IBAction func weightSliderChanged(_ sender: UISlider) {
let weight = String(format: "%.2f", sender.value)


weightLabel.text = "\(weight) kg"

constant ... inferred to have type '()?', which may be unexpected

Your developerButton is the result of the text assignment text = "developer", which returns Void (nothing, ()). The assignment is conditional and that's why you are getting Void? (or ()?).

Split your two assignments correctly.

let developerButton = UIButton(type: .system)
developerButton.titleLabel?.text = "developer"

Also note that you should use setTitle instead of setting title text directly:

let developerButton = UIButton(type: .system)
developerButton.setTitle("developer", for: .normal)

Constant inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected - Replacing dispatch_once in Swift

This will definitely execute the block once and you can specify the type as Void so that compiler does not complain.

let executeStartup: Void = {
self.executeUnsafeStartupWithConfig(config: MPConfig.config.configWithAppKey(appKey: appKey, withAppId: appId, withAccountId: accountId, forProduction: inProduction), authToken: authToken)

You can also use lazy var executeStartup: Void as this will also ensure the block is executed once.

Variable 'offerCardsShuffled' inferred to have type '()', which may be unexpected

Your shuffle method modifies the original collection, it does not return a new collection.


var offerCardsShuffled = offerCards.shuffle()



and replace the use of offerCardsShuffled with offerCards in the remaining code.

constant 'result' inferred to have type (), which may be unexpected

Guessing from the errors, I expect that performOperation() is supposed to return Double? (optional double) while if fact it returns nothing.

I.e. it's signature is probably:

func performOperation(operation: String) {
// ...

.. while in fact it should be:

func performOperation(operation: String) -> Double? {
// ...

Reason why I think so is that this line: if let result = brain.performOperation(operation) is call "unwrapping the optional" and it expects that the assigned value is an optional type. Later you assign the value that you unwrap to the variable that seems to be of Double type.

By the way, the shorter (and more readable) way to write the same is:

displayValue = brain.performOperation(operation) ?? 0.0

Reading info.plist: inferred to have type AnyObject which may be unexpected

Xcode generally warns about variables which are inferred as AnyObject or
AnyObject?. You can add a type annotation (as Xcode suggests) to silence the warning:

if let info : AnyObject = ...

I can only speculate why Xcode behaves like this, but one reason could
be that you are "forced" to be aware that info might be of any object type
and not perhaps the one that you expect.

So even if info.integerValue compiles,
it may crash at runtime if the object is not of
the expected type. In your case, if the dictionary value is not a NSNumber or NSString
then info.integerValue with throw an exception.

The safe way is to do an optional cast:

if let info = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey("v") as? NSNumber {
value = info.integerValue
} else {
value = 0

Do to the automatic re-mapping between NSNumber and Int you can write that also as

if let info = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey("v") as? Int {
value = info
} else {
value = 0

Or as a one-liner using the nil-coalescing operator ??:

let value = NSBundle.mainBundle().objectForInfoDictionaryKey("v") as? Int ?? 0

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