Can Not Cast Value of Type Nstaggedpointerstring to Nsdictionary

Could not cast value of type 'NSTaggedPointerString' to 'NSNumber'

The reason of the error is jsonDict["totalfup"] is a String (NSTaggedPointerString is a subclass of NSString) , so you should convert String to Double.

Please make sure, catch exception and check type before force-unwrap !

totalData = (jsonDict["totalfup"] as! NSString).doubleValue

For safety, using if let:

// check dict["totalfup"] is a String?
if let totalfup = (dict["totalfup"] as? NSString)?.doubleValue {
// totalfup is a Double here
else {
// dict["totalfup"] isn't a String
// you can try to 'as? Double' here

Can not cast value of type NSTaggedPointerString to NSDictionary

.childAdded gives FIRDataSnapshot at a time ... so no need to loop for this .. you just need to pass the current child in your structure.

var newPostsArray = [Product]()

let ref = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("Snuses").queryOrdered(byChild: "Brand").queryEqual(toValue: brandName)
ref.observe(FIRDataEventType.childAdded, with: { (posts) in

let newPost = Product(snapshot: posts as! FIRDataSnapshot)
newPostsArray.insert(newPost, at: 0)

self.productsArray = newPostsArray

}) { (error) in

handling Could not cast value of type 'NSTaggedPointerString' to 'NSNumber'

It seems that not all of the entries in your JSON have a numeric value for LivingArea.

One option is to keep the variable as an optional and unwrap it when required. Don't force unwrap or you will get a crash when the value is missing or no an integer.

You should code defensively, especiallly when dealing with data from an external source.

Another option is to set a default of 0 using

let livingArea = userDict?["LivingArea"] as? Int ?? 0

Could not cast value of type 'NSTaggedPointerString' to 'NSNumber' - from PHP to Swift

I suggest you to use optionals, then your Int value seems to be a String in your Json, try:

for (k, v) in array {
print(k, "-", v)
if let stringV = v as? String {
convertInsideData[k as! String] = Int(stringV)
} else if let numberV = v as? NSNumber {
convertInsideData[k as! String] = v.intValue

Could not cast value of type 'NSTaggedPointerString' (0x10146ecd8) to 'NSNumber' (0x102675600)

id = Int((content[0]["id"] as! NSString).floatValue)

This works fine for me. Content is json array

Could not cast value of type 'NSTaggedPointerString' to an array

The error message says that NSTaggedPointerString (expName) can not be cast to NSArray ([Task])

Your goal is to add all Tasks to the task array if the name property is not nil but you're trying to add the name which causes the error.

Some suggestions:

fetch(context: returns always an array of the NSManagedObject subclass so cast it immediately.

Since you are using NSManagedObject subclass get the name property directly rather than with valueForKey.

The check for > 0 is not needed because the loop will be skipped in case of an empty array.

  let results = try context.fetch(request) as! [Task]
// check data existance

for task in results {
if let expName = {
print("expence name is :", expName)
tasks += task
print("my array is : \(tasks)")

or shorter

 let results = try context.fetch(request) as! [Task]
tasks.filter{ $ != nil }

The most efficient way is to filter the tasks before the fetch via an appropriate predicate.

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