Swift 3 Issue with Cvararg Being Passed Multiple Times

swift 3 issue with CVarArg being passed multiple times

You cannot pass a variable argument list to another function, you
have to pass a CVaListPointer instead. Also withVaList should
be used instead of getVaList:

class StringResourceUtility {

static func Localizer(tableName: String?) -> (_ key: String, _ params: CVaListPointer) -> String {
return { (key: String, params: CVaListPointer) in
let content = NSLocalizedString(key, tableName: tableName, comment: "")
return NSString(format: content, arguments: params) as String

func localizationHelper(tableName: String, key: String, params: CVarArg...) -> String {
let t = StringResourceUtility.Localizer(tableName: tableName)
return withVaList(params) { t(key, $0) }


let s = localizationHelper(tableName: "table", key: "%@ %@", params: "Wells", "Fargo")
print(s) // Wells Fargo

How to properly use VarArgs for localizing strings?

You cannot pass a variable argument list to another function, you
have to pass a CVaListPointer instead (the Swift equivalent
of va_list in C):

public extension String {
var localized: String {
return NSLocalizedString(self, tableName: nil, bundle: Bundle.main, value: "", comment: "")

func localized(args: CVarArg...) -> String {
return withVaList(args) {
NSString(format: self.localized, locale: Locale.current, arguments: $0) as String

Since NSString.localizedStringWithFormat has no variant taking a
VAListPointer, the equivalent NSString(format:, locale:, arguments:)
with the current locale is used.

Even simpler (attribution goes to @OOPer): Use
String.init(format:locale:arguments:) which takes a
[CVarArg] argument:

    func localized(args: CVarArg...) -> String {
return String(format: self.localized, locale: Locale.current, arguments: args)


"grant_gps_access".localized(args: "MyApp")

should work as expected, assuming that the strings file contains
the entry

"grant_gps_access" =  "Please grant %@ GPS access";

Swift function with args... pass to another function with args

Similar as in (Objective-)C, you cannot pass a variable argument list
directly to another function. You have to create a CVaListPointer
(the Swift equivalent of va_list in C) and call a function which
takes a CVaListPointer parameter.

So this could be what you are looking for:

extension String {
func getLocalizeWithParams(args : CVarArgType...) -> String {
return withVaList(args) {
NSString(format: self, locale: NSLocale.currentLocale(), arguments: $0)
} as String

withVaList() creates a CVaListPointer from the given argument list
and calls the closure with this pointer as argument.

Example (from the NSString documentation):

let msg = "%@:  %f\n".getLocalizeWithParams("Cost", 1234.56)

Output for US locale:

Cost:  1,234.560000

Output for German locale:

Cost:  1.234,560000

Update: As of Swift 3/4/5 one can pass the arguments to

String(format: String, locale: Locale?, arguments: [CVarArg])


extension String {
func getLocalizeWithParams(_ args : CVarArg...) -> String {
return String(format: self, locale: .current, arguments: args)

Format string with variadic arguments

String has two similar initializers:

init(format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...)
init(format: String, arguments: [CVarArg])

The first one takes a varying number of arguments, the second one
an array with all arguments:

print(String(format: "x=%d, y=%d", 1, 2))
print(String(format: "x=%d, y=%d", arguments: [1, 2]))

In your localized method, args: CVarArg... is a variadic parameter
and those are made available within the functions body as an array
of the appropriated type, in this case [CVarArg].
Therefore it must be passed to String(format: arguments:):

func localized(table: String? = nil, bundle: Bundle = .main, args: CVarArg...) -> String {
return String(
format: NSLocalizedString(
tableName: table,
bundle: bundle,
value: self,
comment: ""
arguments: args // <--- HERE

See also "Variadic Parameters" in the "Functions" chapter of the
Swift reference.

Passing variadic arguments as an array in Swift

I think your problem is that tuples do not support variadic arguments. So

 (format: "This is %@ %@", param: ["Swift", "language"])

is a tuple of two things: a string and an array and String(format:,_) sees the array as only one object. To solve your immediate problem, use String(format:,arguments:). e.g.

for index in 0...1  {
let pdata = printData[index]
print (String(index+1) + " " + String(format: pdata.format, arguments: pdata.param))

Given how easy it is to create a literal array, I'd question the need to use variadic arguments anywhere in Swift.

Passing variadic args in Swift 4 for os_log

Did some more research on this. Turns out that os_log is actually a C macro. This created all sorts of problems with how it maps in to Swifts variadic args.

However, that macro also captures other debugging info and is probably not safe to wrap up anyways.

String' does not conform to expected type 'CVarArg'

NSLog takes as the first argument a format string, which is followed
by a list of arguments, which are substituted for the placeholders
in the format string (compare String Format Specifiers).

On Apple platforms, you can print a String using the %@ format:

let fileName = "the file"
NSLog("File not found: %@", fileName)

However, this does not work on Linux platforms (such as Vapor).
Here you have to convert the Swift string to a C string in order to pass
it as an argument to NSLog (and use the %s format for C strings):

let fileName = "the file"
fileName.withCString {
NSLog("File not found: %s", $0)

localizeWithFormat and variadic arguments in Swift

This should be pretty simple just change your parameters as follow:

extension String {
func localizeWithFormat(name:String,age:Int, comment:String = "") -> String {
return String.localizedStringWithFormat( NSLocalizedString(self, comment: comment), name, age)

"My name is %@. I am %d years old".localizeWithFormat("John", age: 30) // "My name is John. I am 30 years old"


extension String {
func localizeWithFormat(args: CVarArgType...) -> String {
return String(format: self, locale: nil, arguments: args)
func localizeWithFormat(local:NSLocale?, args: CVarArgType...) -> String {
return String(format: self, locale: local, arguments: args)
let myTest1 = "My name is %@. I am %d years old".localizeWithFormat(NSLocale.currentLocale(), args: "John",30)
let myTest2 = "My name is %@. I am %d years old".localizeWithFormat("John",30)

Why does wrapping os_log() cause doubles to not be logged correctly?

The compiler implements variadic arguments by casting each argument to the declared variadic type, packaging them into an Array of that type, and passing that array to the variadic function. In the case of testWrapper, the declared variadic type is CVarArg, so when testWrapper calls logDefault, this is what happens under the covers: testWrapper casts 1.2345 to a CVarArg, creates an Array<CVarArg>, and passes it to logDefault as args.

Then logDefault calls os_log, passing it that Array<CVarArg> as an argument. This is the bug in your code. The bug is quite subtle. The problem is that os_log doesn't take an Array<CVarArg> argument; os_log is itself variadic over CVarArg. So Swift casts args (an Array<CVarArg>) to CVarArg, and sticks that casted CVarArg into another Array<CVarArg>. The structure looks like this:

Array<CVarArg> created in `logDefault`
+--> CVarArg (element at index 0)
+--> Array<CVarArg> (created in `testWrapper`)
+--> CVarArg (element at index 0)
+--> 1.2345 (a Double)

Then logDefault passes this new Array<CVarArg> to os_log. So you're asking os_log to format its first element, which is (sort of) an Array<CVarArg>, using %f, which is nonsense, and you happen to get 0.000000 as output. (I say “sort of” because there are some subtleties here which I explain later.)

So, logDefault passes its incoming Array<CVarArg> as one of potentially many variadic parameters to os_log, but what you actually want logDefault to do is pass on that incoming Array<CVarArg> as the entire set of variadic parameters to os_log, without re-wrapping it. This is sometimes called “argument splatting” in other languages.

Sadly for you, Swift doesn't yet have any syntax for argument splatting. It's been discussed more than once in Swift-Evolution (in this thread, for example), but there's not yet a solution on the horizon.

The usual solution to this problem is to look for a companion function that takes the already-bundled-up variadic arguments as a single argument. Often the companion has a v added to the function name. Examples:

  • printf (variadic) and vprintf (takes a va_list, C's equivalent of Array<CVarArg>)
  • NSLog (variadic) and NSLogv (takes a va_list)
  • -[NSString initWithFormat:] (variadic) and -[NSString WithFormat:arguments:] (takes a va_list)

So you might go looking for an os_logv. Sadly, you won't find one. There is no documented companion to os_log that takes pre-bundled arguments.

You have two options at this point:

  • Give up on wrapping os_log in your own variadic wrapper, because there is simply no good way to do it, or

  • Take Kamran's advice (in his comment on your question) and use %@ instead of %f. But note that you can only have a single %@ (and no other format specifiers) in your message string, because you're only passing a single argument to os_log. The output looks like this:

    2018-06-20 02:22:56.132704-0500 test[39313:6086331] WTF: (

You could also file an enhancement request radar at https://bugreport.apple.com asking for an os_logv function, but you shouldn't expect it to be implemented any time soon.

So that's it. Do one of those two things, maybe file a radar, and move on with your life. Seriously. Stop reading here. There's nothing good after this line.

Okay, you kept reading. Let's peek under the hood of os_log. It turns out the implementation of the Swift os_log function is part of the public Swift source code:

@_exported import os
@_exported import os.log
import _SwiftOSOverlayShims

@available(macOS 10.14, iOS 12.0, watchOS 5.0, tvOS 12.0, *)
public func os_log(
_ type: OSLogType,
dso: UnsafeRawPointer = #dsohandle,
log: OSLog = .default,
_ message: StaticString,
_ args: CVarArg...)
guard log.isEnabled(type: type) else { return }
let ra = _swift_os_log_return_address()

message.withUTF8Buffer { (buf: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) in
// Since dladdr is in libc, it is safe to unsafeBitCast
// the cstring argument type.
to: CChar.self, capacity: buf.count
) { str in
withVaList(args) { valist in
_swift_os_log(dso, ra, log, type, str, valist)

So it turns out there is a version of os_log, called _swift_os_log, that takes pre-bundled arguments. The Swift wrapper uses withVaList (which is documented) to convert the Array<CVarArg> to a va_list and passes that on to _swift_os_log, which is itself also part of the public Swift source code. I won't bother quoting its code here because it's long and we don't actually need to look at it.

Anyway, even though it's not documented, we can actually call _swift_os_log. We can basically copy the source code of os_log and turn it into your logDefault function:

func logDefaultHack(_ message: StaticString, dso: UnsafeRawPointer = #dsohandle, _ args: CVarArg...) {
let ra = _swift_os_log_return_address()
message.withUTF8Buffer { (buf: UnsafeBufferPointer<UInt8>) in
buf.baseAddress!.withMemoryRebound(to: CChar.self, capacity: buf.count) { str in
withVaList(args) { valist in
_swift_os_log(dso, ra, .default, .default, str, valist)

And it works. Test code:

func testWrapper() {
logDefault("WTF: %f", 1.2345)
logDefault("WTF: %@", 1.2345)
logDefaultHack("Hack: %f", 1.2345)


2018-06-20 02:22:56.131875-0500 test[39313:6086331] WTF: 0.000000
2018-06-20 02:22:56.132704-0500 test[39313:6086331] WTF: (
2018-06-20 02:22:56.132807-0500 test[39313:6086331] Hack: 1.234500

Would I recommend this solution? No. Hell no. The internals of os_log are an implementation detail and likely to change in future versions of Swift. So don't rely on them like this. But it's interesting to look under the covers anyway.

One last thing. Why doesn't the compiler complain about converting Array<CVarArg> to CVarArg? And why does Kamran's suggestion (of using %@) work?

It turns out these questions have the same answer: it's because Array is “bridgeable” to an Objective-C object. Specifically:

  • Foundation (on Apple platforms) makes Array conform to the _ObjectiveCBridgeable protocol. It implements bridging of Array to Objective-C by returning an NSArray.

  • Foundation also makes Array conform to the CVarArg protocol.

  • The withVaList function asks each CVarArg to convert itself to its _cVarArgEncoding.

  • The default implementation of _cVarArgEncoding, for a type that conforms to both _ObjectiveCBridgeable and CVarArg, returns the bridging Objective-C object.

  • The conformance of Array to CVarArg means the compiler won't complain about (silently) converting an Array<CVarArg> to a CVarArg and sticking it into another Array<CVarArg>.

This silent conversion is probably often an error (as it was in your case), so it would be reasonable for the compiler to warn about it, and allow you to silence the warning with an explicit cast (e.g. args as CVarArg). You could file a bug report at https://bugs.swift.org if you want.

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