How to Navigate from Initial UIviewcontroller to UIsplitviewcontroller in Swift

Navigating to and from a Split View controller

The problem is that the split view controller have to be the root of your app. You cannot push it in a UINavigationController. Whenever you want the split view to appear/disappear, you should change the rootViewController (in the AppDelegate).

However, in your case I suggest you keep the SplitViewController on the screen all the time, and do the search in the master controller. Use a UITableViewController in it. You can add a search bar to your table, and narrow the results as you type characters in the search bar. Hope this helps!

Best way to switch between UISplitViewController and other view controllers?

Touche! Ran in to the same issue and solved it the same way using modals. In my case it was a login view and then the main menu as well to be shown before the splitview. I used the same strategy as thought out by you. I (as well as several other knowledgeable iOS folks I spoke to) could not find a better way out. Works fine for me. User never notices the modal anyway. Present them so. And yes I can also tell you that there are quite a few apps doing the same under the hood tricks on the App store. :) On another note, do let me know if you figure a better way out somehow someway sometime :)

How to go back to the initial ViewController the right way?

It doesn't move to another view controller, because you are setting a simple view controller in your rootViewController.

What you need is:

let initialViewController = self.storyboard!.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "Initial")
let navController = UINavigationController.init(rootViewController: initialViewController)

UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController?.present(navController, animated: true, completion: nil)

This will create a navigationviewcontroller, so when on "Initial" you should be able to perform push, present actions of another view controllers.

Master detail application initial view controller change

Try to embed your controller with Navigation controller as below :

Select Navigation controller

Sample Image

UISplitView's MasterViewController and Navigation Issue

The problem that you addressing wrong UINavigation controller. I assume before splitting both master and SpeciesViewController existed in same navigation environment, and use same navigation controller. But in split view they don't. Your detail controller is actually UINavigation controller you are looking for, that had to control all navigation, and had to have buttons you need. You can get it from master as:

guard let split = splitViewController, let navController = split.viewControllers.last as? UINavigationController else { return }

And make sure that you split controller not embedded into another UINavigationController (reason for second navigation bar).

Function to return detail's Nav Controller:

var detailsNavigationController: UINavigationController? {
return splitViewController?.viewControllers.last as? UINavigationController

To access blue call detailsNavController, to access red use navigationController.

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