Xcode + Swift + Darwin.Ncurses = "A_Bold Not Found" Compilation Error. I Can't Get Bright Colors

Command CompileSwift failed with a nonzero exit code in Xcode 10

Currently my build is working.
Here you are the steps I tried until it finally worked:

  1. Search in the whole project the word CommonCrypto.
  2. If you have a Pod containing that header import, remove this Pod from the Podfile and perform a pod install.
  3. Clean and build the project.
  4. Add again the Pod to the Podfile and perform a pod install.
  5. Clean and build the project again using a real device if possible.

And If you don't have that Pod, maybe you can try by making the same steps with some old Pod that you may encounter in your project.

Added information: also If you have some code error inside a Pod, first you need to solve that code problem and then try to compile again the project.

I'm going to copy the changes made in my project.pbxproj. I know it's not very helpful but it's the only thing that have changed in the git difference commit:

Removed: BDC9821B1E9BD1B600ADE0EF /* (null) in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; };
Added: BDC9821B1E9BD1B600ADE0EF /* BuildFile in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; };

I hope this can help,


Font extension causes Swift live preview to crash (Xcode 12.3)

The problem is that Font already has a static property called caption. See its documentation. You should not be able to add a property with the same name and type, that piece of code should not compile at all.

You need to rename your property to resolve the ambiguity.

The same applies to title and largeTitle, you shouldn't recreate properties that already exist on Font, you should rename all of them.

Unrelated to your question, but no need to add those properties as computed properties, they can be immutable stored properties.

extension Font {
// H1
static let robotoLargeTitle = Font.custom("Roboto-Bold", size: 34)

// H2
static let robotoTitle = Font.custom("Roboto-Bold", size: 24)

// Body 2 (input title)
static let robotoCaption = Font.custom("Roboto-Regular", size: 14)

Use of undeclared type in Swift, even though type is internal, and exists in same module

Phew, finally diagnosed this. Somehow, the offending Swift file EditTaskPopoverController.swift was in two different build phases.

It was in Compile Sources properly, with all the other Swift files, but it was also, for some very strange reason, in the Copy Bundle Resources phase as well, along with all my XIB and image resources.

I have no idea how it got there, but removing it from the extra build phase resolved the issue.

image not found Error while using Custom FrameWork

Set framework installation directory to @executable_path/../Frameworks

Sample Image

Now add copy files in your build phase, set destination to Frameworks. click on your target, then on Editor (menu bar) --> Add build phase --> Add Copy Files Build Phase

Sample Image

Sample Image

Framework not found' in Xcode

Try deleting Bolts.framework from linked framework and re-add it. Also, in your Framework Search Path keep path until Bolts.framework like $(PROJECT_DIR)/Bolts if it is inside Bolts folder at your project directory path.

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