How to Find the Index of an Item in a Multidimensional Array Swiftily

How to find the index of an item in a multidimensional array swiftily?

You can simplify your code slightly with enumerate() and indexOf().
Also the function should return an optional tuple because the element
might not be present in the "matrix". Finally, you can make it generic:

func indicesOf<T: Equatable>(x: T, array: [[T]]) -> (Int, Int)? {
for (i, row) in array.enumerate() {
if let j = row.indexOf(x) {
return (i, j)
return nil

You can also make it an extension for a nested Array of Equatable

extension Array where Element : CollectionType,
Element.Generator.Element : Equatable, Element.Index == Int {
func indicesOf(x: Element.Generator.Element) -> (Int, Int)? {
for (i, row) in self.enumerate() {
if let j = row.indexOf(x) {
return (i, j)
return nil

if let (i, j) = a.indicesOf(7) {
print(i, j)

Swift 3:

extension Array where Element : Collection,
Element.Iterator.Element : Equatable, Element.Index == Int {

func indices(of x: Element.Iterator.Element) -> (Int, Int)? {
for (i, row) in self.enumerated() {
if let j = row.index(of: x) {
return (i, j)
return nil

Swift 5+

extension Array where Element : Collection,
Element.Iterator.Element : Equatable, Element.Index == Int {
func indicesOf(x: Element.Iterator.Element) -> (Int, Int)? {
for (i, row) in self.enumerated() {
if let j = row.firstIndex(of: x) {
return (i, j)

return nil

Search for a value in two dimensional array

Here's a function which i implemented which checks if an element is listed within the multi-dimension array and returns the total elements found:

  • using .flatMap(_:) to flattened the multi-dimension arrays into one level.
  • using .filter(_:) to return the elements that are allowed based on the predicate.

    import UIKit

    var groups = [[String]]()

    // we create three simple string arrays for testing
    var groupA = ["England", "Ireland", "Scotland", "Wales"]
    var groupB = ["Canada", "Mexico", "United States"]
    var groupC = ["China", "Japan", "South Korea"]

    // then add them all to the "groups" array

    func findElementInMultiDimension(element: String) -> Int {
    var count = 0
    let _ = groups.flatMap{$0.filter { (item) -> Bool in
    if item.contains(element) {
    count = count + 1
    return true
    } else {
    return false
    return count

    findElementInMultiDimension(element: "Mexico")
    print(findElementInMultiDimension(element: "Mexico")) //prints 1

Hope this helps :)

How to find the summation of all elements in 2d array in Swift?

One way is to use joined() to flatten the array and then reduce to sum it:

let my2dArray = [[01, 02, 03, 04],
[05, 06, 07, 08],
[09, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16]]

let result = my2dArray.joined().reduce(0, +)

print(result) // 136

Note that my2dArray.joined() doesn't create another array, but instead it creates a FlattenBidirectionalCollection<Array<Array<Int>>> which allows sequential access to the items, both forwards and backwards, but it does not allocate new storage. You can of course do Array(my2dArray.joined()) if you wish to see how it looks in array format.

Multidimensional array to vector

You can use flatMap for that.

let array1 = [[1], [2], [3]]
let result = array1.flatMap { $0 }


[1, 2, 3]

Check Apple Documentation on flatMap for more details.

Swift Filter Nested Array

let textToSearch:String = "some text"

for nestedArray in myArray {

for item:User in nestedArray
if || user.userName.contains(textToSearch)


How can I flatten an array swiftily in Swift?

There's a built-in function for this called joined:

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]].joined()

(Note that this doesn't actually return another Array, it returns a FlattenSequence, but that usually doesn't matter because it's still a sequence that you can use with for loops and whatnot. If you really care, you can use Array(arrayOfArrays.joined()).)

The flatMap function can also help you out. Its signature is, roughly,

flatMap<S: SequenceType>(fn: (Generator.Element) -> S) -> [S.Generator.Element]

This means that you can pass a fn which for any element returns a sequence, and it'll combine/concatenate those sequences.

Since your array's elements are themselves sequences, you can use a function which just returns the element itself ({ x in return x } or equivalently just {$0}):

[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]].flatMap{ $0 }

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