Appending Tuples to an Array of Tuples

Append a tuple to a list - what's the difference between two ways?

The tuple function takes only one argument which has to be an iterable


Return a tuple whose items are the same and in the same order as iterable‘s items.

Try making 3,4 an iterable by either using [3,4] (a list) or (3,4) (a tuple)

For example

a_list.append(tuple((3, 4)))

will work

How to append a tuple to a numpy array without it being preformed element-wise?

I agree with @user2357112 comment:

appending to NumPy arrays is catastrophically slower than appending to ordinary lists. It's an operation that they are not at all designed for

Here's a little benchmark:

# measure execution time
import timeit
import numpy as np

def f1(num_iterations):
x = np.dtype((np.int32, (2, 1)))

for i in range(num_iterations):
x = np.append(x, (i, i))

def f2(num_iterations):
x = np.array([(0, 0)])

for i in range(num_iterations):
x = np.vstack((x, (i, i)))

def f3(num_iterations):
x = []
for i in range(num_iterations):
x.append((i, i))

x = np.array(x)

N = 50000

print timeit.timeit('f1(N)', setup='from __main__ import f1, N', number=1)
print timeit.timeit('f2(N)', setup='from __main__ import f2, N', number=1)
print timeit.timeit('f3(N)', setup='from __main__ import f3, N', number=1)

I wouldn't use neither np.append nor vstack, I'd just create my python array properly and then use it to construct the np.array


Here's the benchmark output on my laptop:

  • append: 12.4983000173
  • vstack: 1.60663705793
  • list: 0.0252208517006

[Finished in 14.3s]

append tuples to a list


Append tuples to a tuples

x + ((0,0),)

should give you

((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (8, 9), (0, 0))

Python has a wonky syntax for one-element tuples: (x,) It obviously can't use just (x), since that's just x in parentheses, thus the weird syntax. Using ((0, 0),), I concatenate your 4-tuple of pairs with a 1-tuple of pairs, rather than a 2-tuple of integers that you have in (0, 0).

Julia: Cannot append tuple to array

append! adds all of the individual elements of another collection to the existing object. Julia raises the error here because (3, 3) is a collection of two integers and it cannot reconcile an individual integer of type Int64 with the array's Tuple{Int64,Int64} type.

The method you need is push!, which will add one or more individual items to an existing collection:

julia> push!(a, (3, 3))
3-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1}:
(1, 1)
(2, 2)
(3, 3)

The individual item, the tuple (3, 3), was successfully pushed onto the array a.

To accomplish the same task with append!, the tuple needs to be contained in a collection of some sort itself, such as an array:

julia> append!(a, [(4, 4)])
4-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1}:
(1, 1)
(2, 2)
(3, 3)
(4, 4)

This is documented on the collections page here.

% Tuple in an array? python (not append tuple into array)

You need to give each string its own variables:

list = ["%s bla" % x,"%s bla" % l]

Append Multi Dimensional Tuples in Python

What you've shown is a list of tuples. You can just use zip for this:

In [11]: s1 = pd.Series([1,2,3], index=['a','b','c'])

In [12]: s2 = pd.Series([42, 88, 99], index=['a','b','c'])

In [13]: s1
a 1
b 2
c 3
dtype: int64

In [14]: s2
a 42
b 88
c 99
dtype: int64

In [15]: list(zip(s1, s2))
Out[15]: [(1, 42), (2, 88), (3, 99)]

appending tuple list from one to another

Your problem can be simplified as below:

counter = 0
list1 = []
rows = [(1,2),(3,4,),(5,6,),(7,8),(9,10)]

for row in rows:
counter = counter + 1 #after the first loop, counter is a tuple and cannot concatenate with an int
if counter % 4 == 0:
for counter in list1: #you redefined counter here which is a tuple

The simple solution is not to use the name counter in your for loop of list1:

for item in list1:

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