Geocodeaddressstring Not Working for Swift

geocodeAddressString not working for some addresses

I think you are expecting the iOS geocoding to perform as well as Google's geocoding. It certainly won't, though.

It is not working because Apple's geocoding is not as good as Google's geocoding.

To see what I mean, put

Kloten Airport, Sweden

into the iOS Maps app. It gives nothing. Put it into and you see the airport.

CLGeocoder().geocodeAddressString error codes

You need to cast the error as CLError and then switch the error code:

if let error = error as? CLError { 
switch error.code {
case .locationUnknown:
print("locationUnknown: location manager was unable to obtain a location value right now.")
case .denied:
print("denied: user denied access to the location service.")
case .promptDeclined:
print("promptDeclined: user didn’t grant the requested temporary authorization.")
case .network:
print("network: network was unavailable or a network error occurred.")
case .headingFailure:
print("headingFailure: heading could not be determined.")
case .rangingUnavailable:
print("rangingUnavailable: ranging is disabled.")
case .rangingFailure:
print("rangingFailure: a general ranging error occurred.")
default : break

How to fix geocodeAddressString closure in for each

Fixed this issue by using this code:

   fileprivate func geoCode(addresses: [String], results: [CLPlacemark] = [], completion: @escaping ([CLPlacemark]) -> Void ) {
guard let address = addresses.first else {

let geoCoder = CLGeocoder()
geoCoder.geocodeAddressString(address) { placemarks, _ in
var updatedResults = results

if let placemark = placemarks?.first {

let remainingAddresses = Array(addresses[1..<addresses.count])
self.geoCode(addresses: remainingAddresses, results: updatedResults, completion: completion)

func updateTasksDistance() {
// get tasks for db
guard let tasks = Task.getAllUserTasks() else { return }

// last tracked location
guard let lastLocation = lastLocation else { return }

let myLocation = CLLocation(latitude: lastLocation.coordinate.latitude, longitude: lastLocation.coordinate.longitude)

let dispatchGroup = DispatchGroup()
for task in tasks where !task.customerAddress.isEmpty {

let addresses = [task.customerAddress]

geoCode(addresses: addresses) { results in
guard let customerAdress = results.first else { return }
guard let customerLocatin = customerAdress.location else { return }

let taskLocation = CLLocation(latitude: customerLocatin.coordinate.latitude,
longitude: customerLocatin.coordinate.longitude )
// do additional sutff

dispatchGroup.notify(queue: DispatchQueue.main, execute: {
// got all the address

Recursive geocode function helped to calculate all coordinates and dispatchGroup.notify is for waiting till all addresses are geocoded.

geocoder.geocodeAddressString no longer works with swift update today

Use geocodeAddressString this way:

geocoder.geocodeAddressString(address, completionHandler: {(placemarks: [CLPlacemark]?, error: NSError?) -> Void in


And it will work fine.

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