How to Find The Nth Root of a Value

How to find the nth root of a value?

We know that the Nth root of a number, x, is equivalent of raising x to a power that is the reciprocal of N. Knowing this, we can use the pow function to find the Nth root:

let nthRoot = pow(base, (1/n))

where base and n are floating point variables.

JavaScript: Calculate the nth root of a number

Can you use something like this?

Math.pow(n, 1/root);


Math.pow(25, 1/2) == 5

nth root of a number

You need to read "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic".

Floating point numbers—which are what is normally used to represent non-integers—are inherently limited. Those limits allow good performance but at the cost of such anomalies.

nth roots in JavaScript

Math.pow(x, 1/y) is y-root of x:

const pow_4 = Math.pow(2, 4) // 2^4
console.log(pow_4) // 16

const sqrt_4 = Math.pow(pow_4, 1/4) // sqrt root lvl 4 of 16
console.log(sqrt_4) // 2

Binary search to find nth root of a number

Your function breaks because the difference between (mid-DELTA)^n and mid^n is usually more than DELTA.

Binary search with doubles can be tricky, and there are various ways to do it depending on what result you really want. In this case, you are asked to give an answer within 0.001 of the actual root. It is not required that your answer^n is within 0.001 of x.

That suggests an implementation like this:

double binarysearch(double x, int n)
double lo = 0.0;
double hi = x;
while(hi-lo >= 0.0019)
double test = lo+(hi-lo)*0.5;
if (test == low || test == hi)
//I couldn't bear to leave this out. Sometimes there are no
//double values between lo and hi. This will be pretty much
//as close as we can get. Break here to avoid an infinite loop
if (pow(test,n) < x)
lo = test;
hi = test;
//cut the final range in half. It's less than
//0.0019 in size, so every number in the range, which includes
//the root, is less than 0.001 away from this
return lo+(hi-lo)*0.5;

Notice that there is no possibility to return "not found"

Algorithm to find nth root of a number

#include <math.h>
inline int root(int input, int n)
return round(pow(input, 1./n));

This works for pretty much the whole integer range (as IEEE754 8-byte doubles can represent the whole 32-bit int range exactly, which are the representations and sizes that are used on pretty much every system). And I doubt any integer based algorithm is faster on non-ancient hardware. Including ARM. Embedded controllers (the microwave washing machine kind) might not have floating point hardware though. But that part of the question was underspecified.

Is there a short-hand for nth root of x in Python?

nth root of x is x^(1/n), so you can do 9**(1/2) to find the 2nd root of 9, for example. In general, you can compute the nth root of x as:


Note: In Python 2, you had to do 1/float(n) or 1.0/n so that the result would be a float rather than an int. For more details, see Why does Python give the "wrong" answer for square root?

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