Exc Bad Access After Coding Signing

How to fix permanent EXC_BAD_ACCESS exception in Xcode using SystemC?

I did it! I built SystemC with Cmake following the steps provided in this answer: Setting up a SystemC project with CMake: undefined reference to sc_core
In the CMakeLists.txt I set CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD explicitly to 11 and built the project via the command line and cmake.

Thanks for the help:)

Finding the cause of EXC_BAD_ACCESS Code=1 on startup of Swift iOS App

The NSFaultingMutableSet in the stack trace pointed to an issue with accessing data from my Core Data store (e.g., Event objects like self.events). My notification manager was operating on a separate thread and creating an unstable situation where Core Data (which I hadn't set up properly for multi-thread access) was being read and modified on the main and secondary threads simultaneously.

I was able to resolve the problem by wrapping the Notification Manager code that accesses Core Data objects in a DispatchQueue.main.async {...} block. There are other ways to set up Core Data objects for access from multiple threads (e.g., Coredata - Multithreading best way), but this was the simplest solution given multi-thread access isn't a priority for what I'm trying to do.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal received

From your description I suspect the most likely explanation is that you have some error in your memory management. You said you've been working on iPhone development for a few weeks, but not whether you are experienced with Objective C in general. If you've come from another background it can take a little while before you really internalise the memory management rules - unless you make a big point of it.

Remember, anything you get from an allocation function (usually the static alloc method, but there are a few others), or a copy method, you own the memory too and must release it when you are done.

But if you get something back from just about anything else including factory methods (e.g. [NSString stringWithFormat]) then you'll have an autorelease reference, which means it could be released at some time in the future by other code - so it is vital that if you need to keep it around beyond the immediate function that you retain it. If you don't, the memory may remain allocated while you are using it, or be released but coincidentally still valid, during your emulator testing, but is more likely to be released and show up as bad access errors when running on the device.

The best way to track these things down, and a good idea anyway (even if there are no apparent problems) is to run the app in the Instruments tool, especially with the Leaks option.

OpenGL: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)

sizeof(positions) gives the size of the data type float[6] in bytes, which is 4*6=24.

See sizeof operator

Change the condition in the loop to solve the issue:

for(int i=0; i<6; i++)

In C++ I would recommend to use std::vector or std::array, both provide a size() method, which returns the number of elements in the container:

#include <vector>

std::vector<float> positions = {
-0.5f, -0.5f,
0.0f, 0.5f,
0.5f, -0.5f

void basicTranslate(float Tx, float Ty)
for(size_t i=0; i<positions.size(); i++)
positions[i] += (i % 2 == 0) ? Tx : Ty;

XCODE Simulator Error After Update to 12.2 Exc_Bad_Access(code=50, address=0x11b40e1ad)

So the problem with this is that Hardened runtime needs to be disabled on your target:

select target-> Build settings -> Under Signing - Enable Hardened Runtime, select no.

It looks like this feature will break simulators, but not actual hardware.


I've found the problem. You have to unbind VBO if you want to draw with out it:

glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

after that everything worked

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