What the Difference of Keys and Values in Dictionary of Swift

what the difference of keys and values in dictionary of swift

a) "I need to use optional values to keys and then unwrap it, however the values don't to be done so.But why?"

This is not true. You can initialize thekind string variable with an empty string the same way you did with your integer type max setting its initial value to zero.

b) "Don't know why to use "kinds" rather than kind in the closure, but the one before that used number rather than numbers ,and how can I use numbers to get same result?"

You are unnecessarily iterating each character of your dictionary keys. Thats why you are assigning kinds String instead of kind Character.

let interestingnumbers = [
"prime": [2,3,5,7,9,11,21],
"fibonacci": [1,23,5,32,4,123,11],
"square": [1243325,123,455,1111],
var thekind: String = ""
var max = 0
for (key, numbers) in interestingnumbers {
for number in numbers {
if number > max {
max = number
thekind = key
print(max, thekind) // "1243325 square\n"

Just for fun the functional approach:

// result is a tuple (kind and max)
// reduce iterates every key value pair
// $0 is the accumulated which in this case it is used to hold the max value and the corresponding key
// $1 is the current key,value pair (kind, numbers)
let (kind, max) = interestingnumbers.reduce(into: ("",0)) {
// here we check if the current value has a maximum value and if it is greater than $0.1 (the resulting tuple maxValue)
if let maxValue = $1.value.max(), maxValue > $0.1 {
// if true assign a new tuple to the result with the new key and the new maximum value
$0 = ($1.key, maxValue)
print(kind, max) // "square 1243325\n"

How can I get key's value from dictionary in Swift?

Use subscripting to access the value for a dictionary key. This will return an Optional:

let apple: String? = companies["AAPL"]


if let apple = companies["AAPL"] {
// ...

You can also enumerate over all of the keys and values:

var companies = ["AAPL" : "Apple Inc", "GOOG" : "Google Inc", "AMZN" : "Amazon.com, Inc", "FB" : "Facebook Inc"]

for (key, value) in companies {
print("\(key) -> \(value)")

Or enumerate over all of the values:

for value in Array(companies.values) {

Swift:Comparing Dictionary Keys

        var dataSet = [DefaultNameModel]()
for i in self.selectedDictKeys
let dataRow = DefaultNameModel()
dataRow.key = i

if dataRow.key == "Result"
dataRow.value == "Success"
print("The data Row is " + dataRow.Key + " " + dataRow.value)


if dataRow.key == "Date Added"
dataRow.value == "2016-12-12"
print("The data Row is " + dataRow.Key + " " + dataRow.value)

if dataRow.key == "Entered By"
dataRow.value == "Me"
print("The data Row is " + dataRow.Key + " " + dataRow.value)


How can I compare dictionary keys and array?

You don't even need to compare the key, You can get the values like:

for key in orderItemName {
//You can access the value from dictionary using -> arrays[key]

parse dictionary with different keys and values

As pointed by Eric, you should read the documentation first. To get key - value of a dictionary, you need to do this:

for (key, value) in mapNames {

How to extract differences between dictionaries?

We can define an operator to check whether 2 dictionaries contains the same keys and for each key the same value.

Value must be Equatable

First of all we need to use generics to require that the Value of the dictionaries conforms to Equatable otherwise we won't be able to compare the values.

The code

Here's the code

func ==<Value:Equatable>(left: [String: Value], right: [String: Value]) -> Bool {
guard left.keys.count == right.keys.count else { return false }
let differenceFound = zip(left.keys.sort(), right.keys.sort()).contains { elm -> Bool in
let leftKey = elm.0
let rightKey = elm.1
return leftKey != rightKey || left[leftKey] != right[rightKey]
return !differenceFound

The first line verify that the dictionaries have the same number of entries, otherwise false is returned.

The next block of code sort the keys of both dictionaries and compare each pair looking for a pair where the keys or the values are different.

If such difference is not found then the dictionaries have the same keys and values, so they are equals.


["a":1, "b": 2] == ["a":1, "b": 2] // true

Of course since values inside a dictionaries don't have an order the following is still true

["a":1, "b": 2] == ["b":2, "a": 1] // true

In the next example we compare 2 dictionaries with a different number of values

["a":1, "b": 2] == ["a":1, "b": 2, "c": 3] // false

The != operator

Since we defined the == operator, Swift gifts us the != operator (which simply returns the opposite of ==), so we can also write

["a":1, "b": 2] != ["d":4] // true

Shorter version

The same operator can also be written in this shorter way

func ==<Value:Equatable>(left: [String: Value], right: [String: Value]) -> Bool {
left.keys.count == right.keys.count &&
!zip(left.keys.sort(), right.keys.sort()).contains { $0 != $1 || left[$0] != right[$1] }


Now given 2 dictionaries a and b, you want to perform a.minus(b) and get as result a new dictionaries containing all the (key, value) pairs available in a and not available in b.

Here's the code

extension Dictionary where Key: Comparable, Value: Equatable {
func minus(dict: [Key:Value]) -> [Key:Value] {
let entriesInSelfAndNotInDict = filter { dict[$0.0] != self[$0.0] }
return entriesInSelfAndNotInDict.reduce([Key:Value]()) { (res, entry) -> [Key:Value] in
var res = res
res[entry.0] = entry.1
return res


["a":1].minus(["a":2]) // ["a": 1]
["a":1].minus(["a":1]) // [:]
["a":1].minus(["a":1, "b":2]) // [:]
["a":1, "b": 2].minus(["a":1]) // ["b": 2]

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