Swift Package Manager with Resources Compile Errors

Swift Package Manager with resources compile errors

You missed a , after the target close parentheses:

name: "BioSwift",
resources: [
), // Here is the missed `,`

Also, you don't need to add files one by one! Instead, you can add a directory:


Swift package manager unable to compile ncurses installed through Homebrew


The main problem are conflicts of the header files, since ncurses is also supplied in /Applications/Xcode.app/.../MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include.

A common pure C solution in such situations is to just specify the custom include and lib directories with -I repective -L and it would work, see my answer regarding C ncurses here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56623033/2331445

This approach does not seem to work with the Swift package manager. But that doesn't mean it's not possible with a little effort.

Possible Solution

We need to make sure that the ncurses header files provided by the macOS SDK are ignored. We can do this by specifying the -Xcc -D__NCURSES_H parameter for the swift build command.

This works because in the header file, there is this typical:

#ifndef __NCURSES_H
#define __NCURSES_H

The problem, of course, is that our custom installation of ncurses using Brew is also affected. But we can work around it:

  • copy the new ncurses header files into our Sources/Cncurses directory
  • replace __NCURSES_H through something different, e.g. __CNCURSES_H (note leading 'C')
  • then make sure that all further nested includes are first searched in our local include directory by replace the angle brackets of the includes with quotes, so e.g. instead of #include <ncursesw/unctrl.h> the form '#include "ncursesw/unctrl.h"' is used

This can actually be done with the following command line commands:

cd Sources/Cncurses
cp -r /usr/local/Cellar/ncurses/6.1/include include
find . -name '*.h' -exec sed -i '' 's/__NCURSES_H/__CNCURSES_H/g' {} \;
find . -name '*.h' -exec sed -i '' -E -e "s/<(.*(`find . -name '*.h' -exec basename {} \; | paste -sd "|" -`))>/\"\1\"/g" {} \;

The last statement may require some explanation. With the help of an echo command, you can look at the generated sed expression, i.e. if you execute

echo "s/<(.*(`find . -name '*.h' -exec basename {} \; |  paste -sd "|" -`))>/\"\1\"/g" 

you get the following output:


As you can see, it searches and replaces only local available include files.


For a test we need a simple ncurses example program. It should be built and we should make sure that the correct version of the library is used.


My header file is called cncurses.h. The module.modulemap looks like this:

module cncurses [system] 
umbrella header "cncurses.h"
link "ncurses"
export *


cncurses.h is a one-liner, it imports our copied and customized ncurses.h file from our local include folder:

#include "include/ncurses.h"


In the NcursesExample folder we have main.swift where we have a simple cncurses swift app:

import cncurses

move(5, 10)
move(10, 10)
addstr("Hello World!")

select(0, nil, nil, nil, nil)


Please note here the pkgConfig: "ncurses" in the systemLibrary targets:

// swift-tools-version:5.0
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
name: "NcursesExample",
dependencies: [
targets: [
.systemLibrary(name: "cncurses", pkgConfig: "ncurses"),
.target(name: "NcursesExample", dependencies: ["cncurses"]),
name: "NcursesExampleTests",
dependencies: ["NcursesExample"]),



For pkg-config to do its job properly, we must first call the following:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/pkgconfig"

Finally we initiate the build with:

swift build -Xcc -D__NCURSES_H 

So first we should test if the correct ncurses lib was used. We can do that with:

otool -L .build/x86_64-apple-macosx/debug/NcursesExample

Among other lines, the output contains this:

/usr/local/opt/ncurses/lib/libncursesw.6.dylib (compatibility version 6.0.0, current version 6.0.0)

which looks promising.

Finally calling the binary:

ncurses demo

Xcode Project

If you want to generate a Xcode project, use the following command:

swift package generate-xcodeproj

Then load the project in Xcode and

  • select the project node
  • in Build settings enter Preprocessor in the search field in the upper right
  • under Apple Clang - Preprocessing / Preprocess Macros add __NCURSES_H=1 for Debug and Release

Swift Package Manager - Type 'Bundle' has no member “module” error

Besides all errors in the test file, the only issue remains is that module is not an optional. To fix that, just change this:

public let unimodURL = Bundle.module?.url(forResource: "unimod", withExtension: "XML")


public let unimodURL = Bundle.module.url(forResource: "unimod", withExtension: "xml")


If you use .xcodeproj file, you will continue seeing this error. You should consider opening it with the package.swift or import it as a package (instead of converting it to a project)!

by the way, here is the generated file, so you can add it as a development asset when you are working with the xcodeproject:

import class Foundation.Bundle

private class BundleFinder {}

extension Foundation.Bundle {
/// Returns the resource bundle associated with the current Swift module.
static var module: Bundle = {
let bundleName = "BioSwift_BioSwift"

let candidates = [
// Bundle should be present here when the package is linked into an App.

// Bundle should be present here when the package is linked into a framework.
Bundle(for: BundleFinder.self).resourceURL,

// For command-line tools.

for candidate in candidates {
let bundlePath = candidate?.appendingPathComponent(bundleName + ".bundle")
if let bundle = bundlePath.flatMap(Bundle.init(url:)) {
return bundle
fatalError("unable to find bundle named BioSwift_BioSwift")

Getting 'no such module' error when importing a Swift Package Manager dependency

It turned out that Swift Package Manager implicitly depends on the project's Configuration names. I had them at live/qa instead of Release/Debug, and changing them back resolved the issue. Very odd, but I hope it saves you some trouble dear reader.

Xcode binary Swift Package static framework can't find resources at runtime

Static libraries don't have bundles and so can't include resources. (Instead, their code is part of the main bundle.)

You can create a separate resources bundle, and link the app to both the static library and the resources bundle.

There's a nice article with detailed explanation here: https://medium.com/onfido-tech/reusing-code-and-resources-with-swift-static-libraries-and-resource-bundles-d070e82d3b3d .

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