Using the Web.Config to Set Up My SQL Database Connection String

Using the Web.Config to set up my SQL database connection string?

Here's a great overview on MSDN that covers how to do this.

In your web.config, add a connection string entry:

connectionString="Data Source=sergio-desktop\sqlexpress;Initial
Catalog=MyDatabase;User ID=userName;Password=password"

Let's break down the component parts here:

Data Source is your server. In your case, a named SQL instance on sergio-desktop.

Initial Catalog is the default database queries should be executed against. For normal uses, this will be the database name.

For the authentication, we have a few options.

User ID and Password means using SQL credentials, not Windows, but still very simple - just go into your Security section of your SQL Server and create a new Login. Give it a username and password, and give it rights to your database. All the basic dialogs are very self-explanatory.

You can also use integrated security, which means your .NET application will try to connect to SQL using the credentials of the worker process. Check here for more info on that.

Finally, in code, you can get to your connection string by using:


ASP.NET connection string to local SQL Server database, using web.config

When you are working with a localDB you'll have to specify a AttachDbFileName attribute in your connectionString. This attribute should point to your TestSQLdb.mdf file. Initial catalog is the name of your dataBase within your mdf file.

see MSDN for this example

<add name="ConnectionStringName"
connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFileName=|DataDirectory|\DatabaseFileName.mdf;InitialCatalog=DatabaseName;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True" />

Setting up connection string in ASP.NET to SQL SERVER

You can also use this, it's simpler. The only thing you need to set is "YourDataBaseName".

<add name="ConnStringDb1" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=YourDataBaseName;Integrated Security=True;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Where to place the connection string

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>  
<clear />
<add name="Name"
connectionString="Valid Connection String;" />

web.config connection string to different database server

The connection I wanted to establish was between different hosting server (one on Windows, another on Linux).

My hosting provider told me it's not possible to connecto from Windows .NET website to Linux MySQL db. Not sure why but not possible.

Would be possible on the same hosting they said.

Thank you for trying to help @T McKeown

Database Connection: Web.config

I believe you need this Integrated Security = true into your connection string and it should work. If you don't have this in your connection string you need to specify password and username.

<add name="ConnectionStringMe" connectionString="Data Source=ZOZOW-PC\MSSQLEXPRESS;Database=sample_db;Persist Security Info = True;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

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