Table Creation Ddl from Microsoft Access

Table Creation DDL from Microsoft Access

Thanks for the other suggestions. While I was waiting I wrote some VBA code to do it. It's not perfect, but did the job for me.

Option Compare Database
Public Function TableCreateDDL(TableDef As TableDef) As String

Dim fldDef As Field
Dim FieldIndex As Integer
Dim fldName As String, fldDataInfo As String
Dim DDL As String
Dim TableName As String

TableName = TableDef.Name
TableName = Replace(TableName, " ", "_")
DDL = "create table " & TableName & "(" & vbCrLf
With TableDef
For FieldIndex = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
Set fldDef = .Fields(FieldIndex)
With fldDef
fldName = .Name
fldName = Replace(fldName, " ", "_")
Select Case .Type
Case dbBoolean
fldDataInfo = "nvarchar2"
Case dbByte
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbInteger
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbLong
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbCurrency
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbSingle
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbDouble
fldDataInfo = "number"
Case dbDate
fldDataInfo = "date"
Case dbText
fldDataInfo = "nvarchar2(" & Format$(.Size) & ")"
Case dbLongBinary
fldDataInfo = "****"
Case dbMemo
fldDataInfo = "****"
Case dbGUID
fldDataInfo = "nvarchar2(16)"
End Select
End With
If FieldIndex > 0 Then
DDL = DDL & ", " & vbCrLf
End If
DDL = DDL & " " & fldName & " " & fldDataInfo
Next FieldIndex
End With
DDL = DDL & ");"
TableCreateDDL = DDL
End Function

Sub ExportAllTableCreateDDL()

Dim lTbl As Long
Dim dBase As Database
Dim Handle As Integer

Set dBase = CurrentDb

Handle = FreeFile

Open "c:\export\TableCreateDDL.txt" For Output Access Write As #Handle

For lTbl = 0 To dBase.TableDefs.Count - 1
'If the table name is a temporary or system table then ignore it
If Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or _
Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 4) = "MSYS" Then
'~ indicates a temporary table
'MSYS indicates a system level table
Print #Handle, TableCreateDDL(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl))
End If
Next lTbl
Close Handle
Set dBase = Nothing
End Sub

I never claimed to be VB programmer.

Can Access generate CREATE TABLE script code like SQL Server can?

No, Access itself cannot automatically create DDL (CREATE TABLE ...) code like SQL Server can. It is entirely possible that some third-party product might be able to scan through an Access database and write DDL statements for each table, but recommendations for such a third-party product would be off-topic on Stack Overflow.

Also, as mentioned in the comments to the question, creating an empty database file and then creating each table "from scratch" via DDL is not really necessary for an Access database. Since an Access database is just a file you can distribute your application with a database file that already contains the empty tables (and other database objects as required).


My problem turned out to be a syntax error that wasn't reflected properly in my original question.

However, solving that problem revealed that the documentation for MS Access CREATE TABLE on MSDN is incorrect regarding the sequence of attributes for the CREATE TABLE statement. According to the documentation, the syntax is:

CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE table (field1 type [(size)] [NOT NULL] [WITH COMPRESSION | WITH COMP] [index1] [, field2 type [(size)] [NOT NULL] [index2] [, …]] [, CONSTRAINT multifieldindex [, …]])

but in fact, [WITH COMPRESSION | WITH COMP] must appear before [NOT NULL] or you get a syntax error.

Additionally, it's not possible to execute the CREATE TABLE statement using the WITH COMPRESSION attribute from a query directly within MS Access. You have to either use VBA or (as in my case) an external program via OleDbConnection.

access: getting create table string

More or less as you have it:

CREATE TABLE example (
id INT,
data text(100)

You may wish to check out DAO data types:

Automatically Generate SQL from existing MS Access table

For free for 30 days (then $30) you can give DBWScript a go, looks like its what you are asking for, although not in native Access GUI or programmatically

Microsoft Access DDL for new bigint fields

This is not possible as of January 2019. Using the Query Parameters dialog in a design screen, it's possible to get an exhaustive list of Access SQL types and and (by using sql view) their DDL equivalents:

an image of the Query Parameters dialog, contrasted with the table design view

There is no Access SQL data type available which corresponds to the field type Large Number.

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