How to Select the Set of Rows Where Each Item Has the Greatest Timestamp

Select row with largest timestamp in each category

For MySQL, this query will return the result set you specified:

SELECT b.title
, MAX(b.timestamp)
, b.category_id
FROM blogs b
GROUP BY b.category_id

If there happen to be more than one "title" in a category that has the same latest "timestamp", only one row for that category will be returned, so you will get just one "title" returned for each category.

Note: other DBMS system will throw an exception (error) with a query like the one above, because of the handling of non-aggregates in the SELECT list that don't appear in the GROUP BY.

Your query was very close. You've already got that inner query returning the "latest" timestamp for each category. The next step is to return the category_id along with that latest timestamp.

SELECT category_id, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp
FROM blogs
GROUP BY category_id

The next step is to join that back to blogs, to get the associated "title"(s)

SELECT b.title
, b.timestamp
, b.category_id
FROM (SELECT category_id, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp
FROM blogs
GROUP BY category_id
) l
JOIN blogs b
ON b.category_id = l.category_id AND b.timestamp = l.timestamp

NOTE: if there is more than one "latest" row for a category (the timestamp values match), this query will return both of them.

If that's a concern, the query can be modified (or written in a different way) to prevent any possibility of two rows for a category.

Simply adding a GROUP BY clause to that query will work (in MySQL only, not other DBMSs)

SELECT b.title
, b.timestamp
, b.category_id
FROM (SELECT category_id, MAX(timestamp) AS timestamp
FROM blogs
GROUP BY category_id
) l
JOIN blogs b
ON b.category_id = l.category_id AND b.timestamp = l.timestamp
GROUP BY b.timestamp, b.category_id

(For other DBMSs, you could modify the SELECT list, replace b.title with MAX(b.title) AS title. That will work when you are returning a single column from the row.

If you want the rows returned in a particular order, add an ORDER BY clause.

Selecting all rows with highest (relative) timestamp

I think you need to use something like this:

FROM your_table T4
SELECT T2.[Key], T2.EffectiveDate, MAX(T2.ID) AS ID
FROM your_table T2
SELECT [Key], MAX(EffectiveDate) AS EffectiveDate
FROM your_table
WHERE AppName = 'App1'
AND EffectiveDate <= GetDate()
) T1
ON T1.[Key] = T2.[Key] AND T1.EffectiveDate = T2.EffectiveDate
WHERE T2.AppName = 'App1'
GROUP BY T2.[Key], T2.EffectiveDate
) T3
ON T3.ID = T4.ID

How to select only the most recent timestamp?

You can go for simple query with CROSS APPLY as given below:

e.customer_id AS customer_id,
e.event_id AS event_id,
event_table AS e
INNER JOIN car AS c ON e.customer_id = c.customer_id and e.event_id = c.event_id
INNER JOIN motorcycle AS m ON e.customer_id = m.customer_id and e.event_id = m.event_id
INNER JOIN walk AS w ON e.customer_id = w.customer_id and e.event_id = w.event_id
CROSS APPLY (values (c.updated_On),(m.updated_On),(w.updated_On)) as t(updated_On)
GROUP BY e.customer_id,

Sample data and working solution

declare @event table(cust_id int, event_id int)
declare @car table(cust_id int, event_id int, updated_on datetime)
declare @walk table(cust_id int, event_id int, updated_on datetime)

insert into @event values (1, 100)
insert into @car values (1,100, '2020-01-01')
insert into @walk values(1,100, '2020-02-01')

e.cust_id AS customer_id,
e.event_id AS event_id,
max(t.updatedON) as recent_timestamp
@event AS e
INNER JOIN @car AS c ON e.cust_id = c.cust_id and e.event_id = c.event_id
INNER JOIN @walk AS w ON e.cust_id = w.cust_id and e.event_id = w.event_id
CROSS APPLY (values(c.updated_On),(w.updated_on)) as t(updatedOn)
group by e.cust_id, e.event_id

11002020-02-01 00:00:00.000

MySQL Select By Newest Timestamp

SELECT * FROM my_table -- standard stuff
WHERE user_2 = 22 -- predicate
ORDER BY timestamp DESC -- this means highest number (most recent) first
LIMIT 1; -- just want the first row


By the way, in case you're curious why your original query didn't work, let's break down the pieces:

  • select some stuff from my_table...
  • where user_2 = 22
  • and timestamp = (some value, let's put it aside for now)
  • limit 1

Now, coming back to that timestamp value, it comes from your subquery:

SELECT MAX( timestamp ) FROM my_table

Note that this subquery doesn't restrict any rows based on user_2 -- it asks for what's the max timestamp in the whole table. That max timestamp is the first one in your table above: (user_1 = 23, user_2 = 25, timestamp = 2012-08-10 22:00:00).

So, let's plug that back to the top-level query:

  • select some stuff from my_table...
  • where user_2 = 22
  • and timestamp = 2012-08-10 22:00:00
  • limit 1

... and you can see there isn't such a row.

How can I select the most recent input for each member?

FROM t1 AS a
SELECT mid, MAX(time) AS maxTime
WHERE field_1 <> 0
) b ON a.mid = b.mid AND a.time = b.maxTime

SQL Fiddle

select rows in sql with latest date for each ID repeated multiple times

This question has been asked before. Please see this question.

Using the accepted answer and adapting it to your problem you get:

FROM myTable tt
(SELECT ID, MAX(Date) AS MaxDateTime
FROM myTable
GROUP BY ID) groupedtt
ON tt.ID = groupedtt.ID
AND tt.Date = groupedtt.MaxDateTime

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