Stored Procedure or Function Expects Parameter Which Is Not Supplied

Procedure or function expects parameter which was not supplied.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Execute SPInsertLocal @PON,@TCode,@Qty,@Type,@RES", con);

I was not passing the parameter , fixed the issue

Stored procedure or function expects parameter which is not supplied

Your stored procedure expects 5 parameters as input

@userID int, 
@userName varchar(50),
@password nvarchar(50),
@emailAddress nvarchar(50),
@preferenceName varchar(20)

So you should add all 5 parameters to this SP call:

    cmd.CommandText = "SHOWuser";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userName", userName);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@password", password);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@emailAddress", emailAddress);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@preferenceName", preferences);

PS: It's not clear what these parameter are for. You don't use these parameters in your SP body so your SP should looks like:


C# Stored procedure or function expects parameter which is not supplied

You have stated:

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

Therefore you are simply executing:


Which works because it is the first statement in the batch, so you can call the procedure without EXECUTE, but you aren't actually including the parameter. Change it to

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

Or you can change your CommandText to:

EXECUTE SP_getName @username;

As a side note you should Avoid using the prefix 'sp_' for your stored procedures

And a further side note would be to use using with IDisposable objects to ensure they are disposed of correctly:

using (var connection = new SqlConnection("ConnectionString"))
using (var cmd = new new SqlCommand("SP_getName", connection))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@username", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = "bob101";
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
while (reader.Read())
// Do something

Procedure or function expects parameter which was not supplied

This typically occurs if the object supplied as the value of your SQL parameter is NULL, but the stored procedure does not allow null values (which yours does not). You can set a conditional breakpoint on this line sqlcomm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Election_ID", eventid) to make sure the eventid parameter is not null.

It might also be a good idea to use defensive coding, and in your getAvailableSMSNumbers function, check to make sure eventid is not null, and if it is, throw an exception or provide some type of feedback for the user.

Procedure or function '...' expects parameter '...', which was not supplied.'

May be ID_interno_disp column is set as identity column.
In that case there is no need to pass paramater for this column at all.
so remove parameter for it.
Add below after Insert statement


--this will return identity value inserted only within the current scope


--this is not limited to a specific scope

This will give you the autoincremented Id for the latest record.
And then you can use this id to insert in to other table Bi_dispositivo

Procedure expects parameter which was not supplied

I would check my application code and see what value you are setting @template to. I suspect it is null and therein lies the problem.

Stored procedure or function expects parameter which was not supplied

You need to use SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue:

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ParameterName", value);

or SqlCommand.Parameters.Add for other data types:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@ParameterName", SqlDbType.Int, 5);
cmd.Parameters["@ParameterName"].Value = value;

SqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue replaces the ambiguous overload of Add that took a string and object parameter. See MSDN for more info.

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