Fastest Way to Perform Nested Bulk Inserts With Scope_Identity() Usage

Fastest way to perform nested bulk inserts with scope_identity() usage?

I've written something like this before, but in the end didn't get the chance to test it for performance.

To insert data into two related table I've used a single stored procedure and some T-SQL tricks like table valued parameters, merge and output clause.

Here is a sample script:

First, create the sample tables: tblBase and tblRelated are linked with a one to many foreign key.

base_id int identity(1,1) primary key,
base_data int

related_base_id int foreign key references tblBase (base_id),
related_Id int identity(1,1) primary key,
related_data int

Now that we have sample tables, we can start creating the stored procedure for insert.

Create user defined table types:

For this stored procedure, we need to use three user defined table types:

One for the base table,

one for the related table,

and one to map the temporary id to the database-assigned id.

CREATE TYPE udt_base As Table
base_id int,
base_temp_id int, -- NOTE: when populating the table valued parameters, this column holds the id used to connect the base and related tables.

base_data int

CREATE TYPE udt_related As Table
related_base_id int,
related_data int

CREATE TYPE udt_idMap as table
temp_id int,
id int

Create the stored procedure:

Now that we have the user defined types, we can create the stored procedure to use them.

CREATE PROCEDURE stp_InsertMultipleRecordsToMultipleTables
@base as dbo.udt_base readonly,
@related as dbo.udt_related readonly

DECLARE @idMap as dbo.udt_idMap
MERGE INTO tblBase USING @base AS temp ON 1 = 0 -- Always not matched
INSERT (base_data)
VALUES (temp.base_data)
OUTPUT temp.base_temp_id, inserted.base_id -- Here we use the base_temp_id to map to the correct id
INTO @idMap (temp_id, id);

INSERT INTO tblRelated(related_base_id, related_data)
SELECT id, related_data
FROM @related r
INNER JOIN @idMap m ON(r.related_base_id = m.temp_id) -- here we use the map to insert the related records with the correct base ids



Tested on 10 records in the base table and a 1000 records in the related table, executed in less then 1 second.

Here is the script for the test:

-- declare and populate table parameters to send to the procedure
DECLARE @base as dbo.udt_base,
@related as dbo.udt_related

INSERT INTO @base (base_temp_id, base_data) VALUES
(10, 10), (20, 20), (30, 30), (40, 40), (50, 50), (60, 60), (70, 70), (80, 80), (90, 90), (100, 100)

INSERT INTO @related(related_base_id, related_data) VALUES
(10, 100), (10, 101), (10, 102), (10, 103), (10, 104), (10, 105), (10, 106), (10, 107), (10, 108), (10, 109),
(10, 110), (10, 111), (10, 112), (10, 113), (10, 114), (10, 115), (10, 116), (10, 117), (10, 118), (10, 119),
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-- execute the stored procedure
EXEC stp_InsertMultipleRecordsToMultipleTables @base, @related

-- test that the values are correct
FROM tblBase
INNER JOIN tblRelated ON(base_id = related_base_id)

Clean up:

DROP TABLE tblRelated;
DROP PROCEDURE stp_InsertMultipleRecordsToMultipleTables;
DROP TYPE udt_base;
DROP TYPE udt_related;
DROP TYPE udt_idMap;

Side note:

This answer is the inspiration to a blog post entitled Insert multiple parents with multiple children in a single stored procedure on my blog.

It has a slightly different version of the code, but the idea is just the same.

Get SCOPE_IDENTITY value when inserting bulk records for SQL TableType

I assume this is Sql Server? Then you can make use of the OUTPUT clause, like so:

declare @NewId table (MyNewId INT) 

insert into Table_2(Table_A_Id,Table_1_Id)
output INSERTED.MyNewId INTO @TempTable(MyNewID)
SELECT SomeValue, SomeValueAsParameter FROM @TType_Table_A;


T-SQL Increment Id after Insert

You can output the inserted rows into a temporary table, then join your @swotparts to the temporary table based on the natural key (whatever unique column set ties them together beyond the SwotId). This would solve the problem with resorting to loops or cursors, while also overcoming the obstacle of doing a single swot at a time.

set nocount, xact_abort on;

create table #swot (SwotId int, SwotTypeId int);

insert into MySchema.swot (SwotTypeId)
output inserted.SwotId, inserted.SwotTypeId into #swot
select SwotTypeId
from @swots;

insert into MySchema.SwotPart(SwotId, FieldTypeId, Label)
select s.SwotId, p.FieldTypeId, p.Label
from @swotparts p
inner join #swot s
on p.SwotTypeId = p.SwotTypeId;

How can I insert multiple rows into a table and get all new identity valued in order?

Yes. the insert will always work, once you include the order by, the insert will be executed in that order.

Here I change the staging order, btw you dont need OUTPUT


insert #Staging (TrackingId, Value) values (201,1000),(204,2000),(203,2000),(202,1000);
^ ^ ^ ^

INSERT INTO #Target (Value <, otherfields>)
SELECT TrackingID <, otherfields>
FROM #Staging

FROM #Target;

Please read the comments below in that article the answer from the author:

  • Could you elaborate on statement #4.

Yes, the identity values will be generated in the sequence established by the ORDER BY. If a clustered index exists on the identity column, then the values will be in the logical order of the index keys. This still doesn’t guarantee physical order of insertion. Index maintenance is a different step and that could also be done in parallel for example. So you could end up generating the identity values based on ORDER BY clause and then feeding those rows to the clustered index insert operator which will perform the maintenance task. You can see this in the query plan. You should really NOT think about physical operations or order but instead think of a table as a unordered set of rows. The index can be used to sort rows in logical manner (using ORDER BY clause) efficiently.

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