Sqlite Create Pre-Populated Fts Table

SQLite create pre-populated FTS table

I'm not sure if you can do it in one statement, but you can do it in two... after your CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement, you can do: INSERT INTO bar SELECT * FROM other_table

Do SQLite FTS tables need to be manually populated?

After further reading I found that the FTS table indeed need to be manually kept in sync with the content table. When running the CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE call, the FTS table is automatically populated but after that deletions, insertions and updates have to be done manually.

In my case I've done it using the following triggers:

CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE notes_fts USING fts4(content="notes", notindexed="id", id, title, body

CREATE TRIGGER notes_fts_before_update BEFORE UPDATE ON notes BEGIN
DELETE FROM notes_fts WHERE docid=old.rowid;

CREATE TRIGGER notes_fts_before_delete BEFORE DELETE ON notes BEGIN
DELETE FROM notes_fts WHERE docid=old.rowid;

INSERT INTO notes_fts(docid, id, title, body) SELECT rowid, id, title, body FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0 AND new.rowid = notes.rowid;

INSERT INTO notes_fts(docid, id, title, body) SELECT rowid, id, title, body FROM notes WHERE is_conflict = 0 AND encryption_applied = 0 AND new.rowid = notes.rowid;

how to convert existing sqlite database table to fts3 one?

I think the solution is to populate the FTS virtual table by yourself. I mean to open a new thread which will read from the exist database then write to the FTS table.

Actually, I might find a better way, hope you are still watching this thread:

Please check this thread:
SQLite create pre-populated FTS table

where the selected answer gave a better approach:

first do CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE in your exist database,
then populate the virtual table using the original table within your database.

How to use FTS3 in SQLite

This is explained in the documentation.

You do not need the two indexes for FTS searches.

You should declare the id column as INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
You probably don't need the entry_id column in the FST table.

Copy the text into the FTS table:

INSERT INTO search_eng_fts(id, re_value, ke_value, g_value)
SELECT id, re_value, ke_value, g_value FROM search_eng;

Then you can use the MATCH operator to search in that table:

SELECT id FROM search_eng_fts WHERE re_value MATCH 'hello';

SQLAlchemy: Class values not populated in SQLite table after converting csv to dictionaries

Possibly your action queries are not committing. Per SQLAlchemy docs in ORM contexts:

The “autocommit” feature is only in effect when no Transaction has
otherwise been declared. This means the feature is not generally used
with the ORM, as the Session object by default always maintains an
ongoing Transaction.

Consider running transactions in a context manager which handles commits and rollbacks.


with engine.begin() as cn:
cn.execute(m_table.insert(), cm_dic)


with engine.begin() as cn:
cn.execute(s_table.insert(), cs_dic)

engine.execute("select * from measurement Limit 5")

engine.execute("select * from station limit 5")

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