Dynamic SQL Column Value Duplicate and Difference Detection Merge Query

Dynamic SQL column value duplicate and difference detection merge query

  1. Solve all three situations, the code below takes care of precedence, empty and possible null values in the content. INTO temp will save the query result into a table named temp.

    SELECT id, var1, var2, 
    IIf(Len(var1 & "") = 0, var2, var1) AS merged
    INTO temp
    FROM myTable;
  2. Transfer the records into the source table.

    UPDATE myTable 
    INNER JOIN temp
    ON [myTable].ID=temp.ID
    SET myTable.merged= [temp].[merged];

The question "Combine values from n-fields with precedence" helped!

Covert a duplicate Row value into column using pivot table

This Worked well for me. :)

IF OBJECT_ID('TEMPDB.dbo.##FinalResult ') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##FinalResult 


--Get distinct values of the PIVOT Column
SELECT @ColumnName= ISNULL(@ColumnName + ',','')
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Name] FROM #Result) AS ##FinalResult

--Prepare the PIVOT query using the dynamic
SET @DynamicPivotQuery =
N'SELECT [Item], ' + @ColumnName + '
INTO ##FinalResult
FROM #Result
FOR [Name] IN (' + @ColumnName + ')) AS PVTTable'
--Execute the Dynamic Pivot Query
EXEC sp_executesql @DynamicPivotQuery

SELECT * FROM ##FinalResult

How To Create Duplicate Records depending on Column which indicates on Repetition

You would need to first generate_rows with increasing row_number and then perform a cross join with your table.


create table t(rowid int, name varchar(100),shares_bought int, date_val date)

insert into t
select *
from (values (1,'Dan',2,'2018-08-23')

with generate_data
as (select top (select max(shares_bought) from t)
row_number() over(order by (select null)) as rnk /* This would generate rows starting from 1,2,3 etc*/
from sys.objects a
cross join sys.objects b
select row_number() over(order by t.rowid) as rowid,t.name,1 as shares_bought,t.date_val
from t
join generate_data gd
on gd.rnk <=t.shares_bought /* generate rows up and until the number of shares bought*/
order by 1

Here is a db fiddle link


look up dynamic value from range in another table

You may use Row_Number() function as the following to remove duplicates:

with cte as
Select D.id,D.yeard,D.val, C.limitVal,
row_number() over (partition by D.id order by C.yeard desc) as rn from
detailTbl D left join controlTbl C
on D.yeard>=C.yeard

Select B.id,B.yeard,B.val,B.limitVal from
cte B where B.rn=1 order by B.id

See a demo on MySQL 8.0 from here.

Combine values from n-fields with precedence

You want var1 when it is not Null, and otherwise you want var2. You can use Nz to get that.

SELECT var1, var2, Nz(var1, var2) AS  merged
FROM myTable;

If you will be running the query from outside an Access session, the Nz function will not be available. In that case, you can use an IIf expression.

SELECT var1, var2, IIf(var1 Is Null, var2, var1) AS  merged
FROM myTable;

If var1 may contain zero-length strings (""), and you want those treated the same as Null --- meaning return var2 in that situation --- use this query ...

SELECT var1, var2, IIf(Len(var1 & "") = 0, var2, var1) AS  merged
FROM myTable;

Merge rows code returns empty content

Okay I finally solved it!

Here are the steps for this special case:

  1. SELECT the id and the desired columns. Note that this expects the columns to both not contain values (I haven't tested it with both columns containing a value, whether the same or not).

    # query1
    SELECT id, col1 & col2 AS merged
    FROM table_name;
  2. Insert the results of the query before into a temporary table for security (better save it that encounter errors).

    # query2
    SELECT * INTO temp
    FROM query1
    WHERE FirstOfVal;
  3. Insert the contents of the temporary table into the main table.

    UPDATE table_name
    INNER JOIN temp ON table_name.id = temp.id
    SET table_name.merged = [temp].[merged];

You now have the merged columns into your source table.

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