Active' Flag or Not

`active' flag or not?

You partition the table on the active flag, so that active records are in one partition, and inactive records are in the other partition. Then you create an active view for each table which automatically has the active filter on it. The database query engine automatically restricts the query to the partition that has the active records in it, which is much faster than even using an index on that flag.

Here is an example of how to create a partitioned table in Oracle. Oracle doesn't have boolean column types, so I've modified your table structure for Oracle purposes.

id NUMBER(10),
name VARCHAR2(100),
active NUMBER(1)
PARTITION active_records VALUES (0)
PARTITION inactive_records VALUES (1)

If you wanted to you could put each partition in different tablespaces. You can also partition your indexes as well.

Incidentally, this seems a repeat of this question, as a newbie I need to ask, what's the procedure on dealing with unintended duplicates?

Edit: As requested in comments, provided an example for creating a partitioned table in Oracle

React - one state for managing 'active' flag on multiple compontents

TLDR; react router v4 NavLink perform singular maintenance of one active className, dependant on the current routed page.

NavLink property 'activeClassName' will parse a specfied className to the current routed page, whilst removing on non-routed pages. All state management in this question is therefore redundant.

Python 3.9.6 - Trying to set flag to False. Keep getting error TypeError: '' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'int'

If you want to keep the active flag, you have to avoid the line:

if age < 3:

Since age is now a string (equal to 'quit'). Try this:

active = True

while active:
age = input('Enter age for ticket price: ')
if age == 'quit':
active = False
age = int(age)

if age < 3:
print("You get in free!")
elif age < 13:
print("Your ticket is £10.")
elif age > 13:
print("Your ticket is £15.")

Using *ngIf to Handle Active vs Inactive Flags Being Printed to View in Angular 2 App

You might want to look at ngSwitch.

It's like a switch statement just handled in templating. You might have to create another variable to control the switch statement. Hopefully you can handle that logic, as I'm just passing along the syntactic construct it seems you might be looking for.

Update record with IsActive

You could do this yourself, but I would give Temporal Tables a try first, this is pretty much exactly what they were designed for. You just need to learn slightly different query syntax to find the rows that were "active" at a point in time or during a range.

In the meantime I can share a very simple example of how to do this yourself, but I agree with the comment that Name + Surname + Age is a terrible primary key, because all three of those could change for any given employee (and the age absolutely will change - this is why we usually store Birthdate instead). Why don't we pretend that we assign each employee, somewhere, a unique but meaningless ID (the kind of thing that would go on their access badge or the data in the HR database) just to keep the example simple.

Let's say your table is:

CREATE TABLE dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff
EmployeeID int,
Name nvarchar(50),
Surname nvarchar(50),
Age tinyint,
IsActive bit NOT NULL DEFAULT (1),
EffectiveDate datetime2(0) NOT NULL DEFAULT sysutcdatetime()

And we can add a few sample rows:

INSERT dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff(EmployeeID, Name, Surname, Age) 
VALUES(1, N'Aaron', N'Bertrand', 29),
(2, N'Teemu', N'Selanne', 31),
(3, N'Bobby', N'Orr', 62),
(4, N'Wayne', N'Gretzky', 55);

Now we can create a trigger that intercepts any updates any previous rows to IsActive = 1 and inserts a new row:

CREATE TRIGGER dbo.InsteadOfEmployeeHistoryStuff
ON dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff
DECLARE @now datetime2(0) = sysutcdatetime();

UPDATE old SET IsActive = 0
FROM inserted AS i
INNER JOIN dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff AS old
ON i.EmployeeID = old.EmployeeID
WHERE old.IsActive = 1;

INSERT dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff(EmployeeID, Name, Surname, Age, EffectiveDate)
SELECT EmployeeID, Name, Surname, Age, DATEADD(SECOND, 1, @now)
FROM inserted;

Now, if we perform an update because some employees had a birthday:

 UPDATE dbo.EmployeeHistoryStuff SET Age += 1 WHERE EmployeeID IN (1,2);

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