SQL Developer "Disconnected from the Rest of the Join Graph"

SQL Developer disconnected from the rest of the join graph

I'm not sure what's causing Oracle SQL Developer to give the error. But I'm putting this comment here to format it properly.

A join graph might look something like this

pluspbillline  ------+----<  workorder
+----< ticket
+----< pluspsalesorder

The lines on the graph might be labeled with the join fields. But this gives you a basic idea.

I don't see any reason why you are getting this warning. A column name typo in your SQL perhaps? Or some quirk in Oracle's interface that it doesn't understand the DB2 metadata properly? I suggested trying IBM's tool to see if it's merely their program.

join graph disconnect ORACLE

according to the Oracle documentation (http://docs.oracle.com/javadb/ there is space required between ON and the boolean expression

Error in Inner Joins

The problem could be due to your create table statement,which contains double quoted table names, that are not all in uppercase. Remember, oracle always stores table names and column names in uppercase by default, unless you have used double quoted strings with varying case in the create/Alter statements.Using the whole table names to refer the columns should be avoided, as that is the reason for invalid identifier error in your case.

So, either rename the table from "Customers" to CUSTOMERS and "Orders" to ORDERS if you can, or use quotes for table names in your select query along with appropriate aliases .

"Orders" o
inner join "Customers" c on o.Customer_Id = c.Customer_Id;

Also, as @horse has already suggested, create table in any sample schema like HR, SCOTT etc and not in SYS.

Oracle SQL Developer - Concatenate more rows into a single row

What you may need is to aggregate with a GROUP BY clause and then get the concatenation of the column with different values, by a LISTAGG:

SELECT a1.numero_brevetto,
listagg(a3.organizzazione, ', ') within group (order by a3.organizzazione)
FROM b_brevetto a1
FULL OUTER JOIN b_tipo_brevetto a2
ON a1.tipo_brevetto = a2.tipo_brevetto
LEFT JOIN b_brevetto_titolari a3
ON a1.codice_brevetto = a3.codice_brevetto
WHERE a3.corrente = 1 AND a1.numero_brevetto = 'EP1523489'
GROUP by a1.numero_brevetto,
ORDER BY a1.numero_brevetto

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