SQL Query Aggregate May Not Appear in Where Clause

SQL Query aggregate may not appear in WHERE clause

Use the HAVING as hinted by the error message, which requires a GROUP BY:

SUM(M1.InvoiceTotal)-SUM(M1.AmountApplied) as PastDueAmount,
M1.BillingID, M2.Name,
M2.DelinquentDaysThreshold, M2.DelinquentAmountThreshold,
DATEDIFF(d, MIN(BillingDate),GETDATE()) as DaysLate
Invoices M1
ClientAccounts M2 ON M1.BillingID = M2.ID
InvoiceTotal <> AmountApplied
M2.DelinquentDaysThreshold > DATEDIFF(d, MIN(BillingDate),GETDATE())
M1.BillingID, M2.Name,
M2.DelinquentDaysThreshold, M2.DelinquentAmountThreshold,
(SUM(M1.InvoiceTotal)-SUM(M1.AmountApplied)) > M2.DelinquentAmountThreshold

SQL - An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause

I think the query you want to write is something like:

select p.prod_cat, t.avg_total_amount
from (
select prod_cat_code, avg(total_amount) as avg_total_amount
from transactions
group by prod_cat_code
having avg(total_amount) > (select avg(total_amount) from transactions)
) t
inner join prod_cat_info p on p.prod_cat_code = t.prod_cat_code

The subquery aggregates transactions by category, compute the average, and compares it against the overall transaction average. Then we just bring the categories table with a join.

Aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause unless it is in a subquery contained in a HAVING clause

The message means that aggregate functions (count) can only be used for filtering in a having clause

select count(i.item_id), warehouse_id from items_in_warehouse i
where date_from >= '2021-01-01' and date_from <= '2021-03-31'
group by warehouse_id
having count(warehouse_id) >= 5 and count(warehouse_id) <= 10;

unless it is in a subquery in a having clause

select count(i.item_id), warehouse_id from items_in_warehouse i
where date_from >= '2021-01-01' and date_from <= '2021-03-31'
group by warehouse_id
having (select count(1) from limits where limits.lower < count(i.item_id)) > 5

something like that

SQL Query aggregate may not appear in WHERE clause (AVG)

Use a subquery instead:

select p.ProductName, p.UnitPrice
from [DESKTOP-509LB9L\MSSQLSERVER01].northwind.dbo.products p
where p.UnitPrice > (select avg(p2.UnitPrice)
from [DESKTOP-509LB9L\MSSQLSERVER01].northwind.dbo.products p2

An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause( SQL Server Error )

The correct syntax would be...

select  (A.StudentId),max(A.StudentFirstName),
'Batch ' + max(C.BatchName),CAST(MAX(CAST(A.StudentStatus as INT)) AS BIT),
from tblStudentDetails A
inner join tblStudentBatchDetails B on A.StudentId=B.studentid
inner join tblBatch C on C.BatchId=B.batchid
group by A.StudentId
having max(A.StudentFirstName) like 'A%'

How to fix aggregate in where clause?

A full outer join is not needed for this query. For your logic, a left join would seem to be correct:

Select p.projectName, sum(a.costtodate) AS sumActivityCosts,
From Project p left join
Activity a
on p.projectid = a.projectid
where a.activityId is null and p.projectid is not null
Group By p.projectName, p.fundedbudget
having sum(a.costtodate) > p.fundedbudget;

However, this doesn't make sense to me. If a.activityId is null, then the most likely reason would be no matches. So, I'm pretty sure you just want an inner join with no where clause:

Select p.projectName, sum(a.costtodate) AS sumActivityCosts,
From Project p inner join
Activity a
on p.projectid = a.projectid
Group By p.projectName, p.fundedbudget
having sum(a.costtodate) > p.fundedbudget;

MySQL HELP aggregate may not appear in WHERE clause

Use a table alias in the subquery:

WHERE m.MemberID = 4 AND
r.DateTimeEnd = (SELECT MAX(r2.DateTimeEnd) FROM Ride r2)

The expression r.DateTimeEnd in your query refers to the r in the outer query -- hence the error.

If you are only looking for the latest row, though, I would more likely write:

SELECT m.*, b.BikeStopID, r.DateTimeStart, r.DateTimeEnd
Ride r
ON m.MemberID = r.MemberID INNER JOIN
Bike b
ON r.BikeID = b.BikeID
WHERE m.MemberID = 4

Your version might return no rows if the most recent ride is for a different member.

An aggregate may not appear in the WHERE clause (MSSM studio)

You could use HAVING to filter rows after aggregation:

declare Users cursor for 
Select "User".IDUser, Sum(Price) from "User"
join Purchase as pu on "User".IDUser = pu.IDUser
join PurchaseProduct as pp on pu.IDPurchase = pp.IDPurchase
join Product as pr on pp.IDProduct = pr.IDProduct
join inserted on pr.IDProduct = inserted.IDProduct
where pr.ProductType = (select ProductType from Product
join Advertisement on Product.IDProduct = Advertisement.IDProduct
join inserted on Advertisement.IDProduct = inserted.IDProduct
where Advertisement.IDAdvertisement = inserted.IDAdvertisement)
GROUP BY "User".IDUser
HAVING Sum(Price) > 50;

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