Set Identity_Insert Postgresql


You don't need set identity_insert in Postgres.

Just insert the data into your table.

What you need to do however, is to re-sync the sequences that's behind your serial ("auto increment") column using the setval() function:

select setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('my_table', 'my_serial_column'), 
(select max(my_serial_column) from my_table)

If the column is not defined as a serial but "only" has a default value taken from a sequence, you need to supply the sequence name "manually"

select setval('my_sequence_name', (select max(my_serial_column) 
from my_table)


Here is an SQLFiddle example:!15/690ea/1

How to insert value to identity column in PostgreSQL 11.1

GENERATED ALWAYS tell Postgres to always generate value for identity column. Postgres will throw error if you try to insert value in such a column.

If you want to insert, your can use following query

INSERT INTO UserDetail (UserName, Password) 
VALUES('admin', 'password');

If you really want to insert into identity column, you can use GENERATED BY DEFAULT instead of GENERATED ALWAYS. In that case if you haven't provided value for identity column Postgres will use generated value.


you can use OVERRIDING SYSTEM VALUE as shown below

INSERT INTO UserDetail (UserDetailId,UserName, Password) 
VALUES(1,'admin', 'password');

How can I change current value for identity type primary key column in table in PostgreSQL database?

First, find out the actual maximum in the table:

SELECT max(id) FROM tab;

(1 row)

Then, set the underlying sequence to a higher value:


How can I change existing column as Identity in PostgreSQL 11.1

Following the documentation

ALTER TABLE patient 
ALTER patientid SET NOT NULL, -- optional
(START WITH 2); -- optional

Add NOT NULL constraint if the column does not have the constraint yet. The optional clause START WITH start changes the recorded start value of the sequence.

Test it in DB<>Fiddle.

PostgreSQL unable to set existing column as IDENTITY

Just to clarify what the documentation says:

Don't use serial

For new applications, identity columns should be used instead.

. . .

When should you?

  • If you need support to PostgreSQL older than version 10.
  • In certain combinations with table inheritance (but see there)
  • More generally, if you somehow use the same sequence from multiple tables, although in those cases an explicit declaration might be preferable over the serial types.

Your use-case falls into the first category. Your version of Postgres is older than 10.0, so the use of serial is fine. One day, when you upgrade Postgres, you can think about changing to generated always as identity.

When it does come time to change them, this blog (which is referenced by the official documentation) has a function to help facilitate the change.

PostgreSQL equivalent of SQL Server's IDENTITY(1, 2)

Use sequence options like in CREATE SEQUENCE.

create table testing_case (
id integer not null generated always as identity (increment by 2),
constraint pk_testing_case primary key (id),
description varchar(60)

insert into testing_case (description)
values ('a'), ('b'), ('c')
returning *

id | description
1 | a
3 | b
5 | c
(3 rows)

Remove identity flag from a column in PostgreSQL

I don't think there is a safe and supported way to do that (without catalog modifications). Fortunately, there is nothing special about sequences that would make dropping them a problem. So take a short down time and:

  • remove the default value that uses the identity sequence

  • record the current value of the sequence

  • drop the table

  • create a new sequence with an appropriate START value

  • use the new sequence to set new default values

If you want an identity column, you should define it on the partitioned table, not on one of the partitions.

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