Postgresql Table Variable

PostgreSQL table variable

Use a temporary table in PostgreSQL. For your example:

CREATE TEMP TABLE product_totals (
product_id int
, revenue money

The manual about CREATE TABLE:

If specified, the table is created as a temporary table. Temporary
tables are automatically dropped at the end of a session, or
optionally at the end of the current transaction (see ON COMMIT
below). The default search_path includes the temporary schema first
and so identically named existing permanent tables are not chosen for
new plans while the temporary table exists, unless they are referenced
with schema-qualified names. Any indexes created on a temporary table
are automatically temporary as well.

Unlogged tables in Postgres 9.1 or later are a somewhat related feature. They save disk writes by not writing to WAL. Here is a discussion of the features by Robert Haas:

Aside, concerning the money data type:

  • PostgreSQL: Which Datatype should be used for Currency?

Postgresql stored procedure temporary table variable is not a known variable

When you're debugging, things can get a little crazy. What happens often, I find, is I try one good solution, but I don't know how to implement it quite right, so the following works. I think I was forgetting the select in the INSERT INTO's.

p_Endpoint Varchar(256),
p_ContentType Varchar(200),
MaxInProcess int = NULL)

LANGUAGE plpgsql

AS $body$

v_UtcNow timestamp(6);
v_ExpiredProcessing timestamp(6);

SELECT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP into v_UtcNow at time zone 'utc';

CREATE TEMP TABLE status_table(
Id bigint,
Status smallint,
CreatedAtUtc timestamp(6));

WITH first_updated AS (UPDATE MyTable
SET Status = 1
WHERE UpdatedAtUtc < v_UtcNow
RETURNING Id, Status, UpdatedAtUtc)

INSERT INTO status_table
SELECT Id, Status, UpdatedAtUtc
FROM first_updated;

WITH m_result AS (UPDATE MyTable
SET Status = 3
WHERE ExpirationDateTimeUtc < v_UtcNow
RETURNING Id, Status, UpdatedAtUtc)

INSERT INTO status_table
select Id, Status, UpdatedAtUtc
from m_result;

DROP TABLE status_table;


Select from a table variable

There are no "table variables" in plpgsql. That's something you would find in SQL Server.

Use a temporary table instead:


SELECT * FROM table_holder
WHERE <some condition>
ORDER BY <some expression>



A temporary table exists for the lifetime of a session. To drop it at the end of the function (or an enclosing transaction) automatically, use ON COMMIT DROP in the creating statement.


The temporary table is visible in the same session, but not outside.

One alternative would be to use cursors in PL/pgSQL.

More alternatives:

  • SELECT multiple rows and columns into a record variable

FOR loop with the table name as a variable

Uncomment this line

EXECUTE 'select count(*) from' || quote_ident(dataTable);

Add space between from and single quote and change the query to

EXECUTE 'select count(*) from ' ||dataTable INTO countData;

Comment the line below

--select count(*) into countData from quote_ident(dataTable);

The reason you get 1 every time because in your query, if you pass any string variable in quote_indent() it will return 1 try this execute 'SELECT count(*) FROM '||quote_ident('xyz'); and the result will be the same, this means instead of treating the value in a variable as a table name it is treating it as a plain string only.

Declare a Table as a variable in a stored procedure?

You can iterate over the result of the dynamic query directly:

create or replace function gapandoverlapdetection ( table_name text, entity_ids bigint[])  
returns table (entity_id bigint, valid tsrange, causes_overlap boolean, causes_gap boolean)
as $$
var_r record;
for var_r in EXECUTE format('select entity_id, valid
from %I
where entity_id = any($1)
and registration > now()::timestamp
order by valid ASC', table_name)
using entity_ids
... do something with var_r

-- return a row for the result
-- this does not end the function
-- it just appends this row to the result
return query
select entity_id, true, false;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;

The %I injects an identifier into a string and the $1 inside the dynamic SQL is then populated through passing the argument with the using keyword

How to assign result of table function to variable in PL/pgSQL

Postgres doesn't support table's variables. If you can pass a some relational content, then a) you can use a temporary table or b) you can pass a array of composite values:

CREATE TYPE branch_type AS 
object_id int,
parent_id int,
name text

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION build_org_branch(IN p_org_id organization.org_id%type,
IN p_padding text)
RETURNS branch_type[] AS ...

and then you can write

l_table branch_type[];
l_table := build_org_branch(1, ' ');
if l_table is not null then
-- do stuff with table rows
end if;

This is array to array assignment. Table to array is possible too, but always it has to be static typed.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION build_org_branch(IN p_org_id organization.org_id%type,
IN p_padding text)
RETURNS SETOF branch_type AS ...

and processing:

l_table branch_type[];
l_table := ARRAY(SELECT build_org_branch(1, ' '));
if l_table is not null then
-- do stuff with table rows
end if;

For smaller number of rows (to ten thousand) a arrays should be preferred. For high number of rows you should to use temp table.

How to insert declared type variable into table | Postgress

  1. There is no table type, there is only row composite type. Check manual 43.3.4. Row Types.
  2. use row type.

create or replace procedure student_create(p_code text)
language plpgsql
as $$
v_student public.student
for v_student in select * from student where code = p_code and is_latest_version is true
loop = uuid_generate_v4();
v_student.version_created_at = now();
v_student.version_updated_at = v_student.version_created_at;
v_student.is_latest_version = true;
v_student.code = p_code;
INSERT INTO student VALUES(v_student.*);
end loop;

call it: call student_create('hello');

3. use update clause directly.

create or replace procedure student_create_1(p_code text)
language plpgsql as $$
with a as ( select uuid_generate_v4() as id ,
now() as version_created_at,
now() as version_updated_at,
p_code as "code" from student
where code = p_code and is_latest_version is true)

INSERT INTO student(id, version_created_at, version_updated_at, code)
select, a.version_created_at,a.version_updated_at,a."code" from a;


call it: call student_create_1('hello');

fiddle code: here

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