Is There an Oracle Equivalent to SQL Server's Output Inserted.*

Oracle equivalent of PostgreSQL INSERT...RETURNING *;

It's not currently possible, especially in an old version of Oracle such as 8i. See this answer to a similar question.

Oracle SQL inserting multiple rows and returning something

From the documentation (at least through the 21c version), one of the restrictions to the returning clause:

You cannot specify the
returning_clause for a multitable

Copying table values with dependent child records

The usual way to insert a row and get the generated sequence value in a single statement is to use the RETURNING INTO clause. Unfortunately, this clause is not supported with the multi-row INSERT SELECT statement (as of

So you will have to either:

  • use a cursor and insert in the parent table row-by-row (then use one multi-row insert in the child table for each row in the parent table).

    For instance, in your case:

    l_key aparent.aparent_code%TYPE;
    FOR cc IN (SELECT a.aparent_code, a.value1, a.value2
    FROM aparent a
    WHERE a.avalue1 = 10) LOOP
    INSERT INTO aparent
    VALUES (sq_aparent.nextval, cc.value1, cc.value2)
    RETURNING aparent_code INTO l_key; -- get the new parent key
    INSERT INTO achild
    (SELECT sq_achild.nextval, l_key, value3 -- use the new parent key
    FROM achild
    WHERE aparent_code = cc.aparent_code);
  • use multi-row inserts with a workaround as you did.

I think your approach may be the most efficient generally, especially if many parent rows are being copied. The overhead of inserting into the temporary table and joining to it should be minimal compared to the large overhead incurred by many single-row statements.

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Is this what you want?

select *
from (select product_name, (qty_on_order - qty_on_hand) as Sales
from products join
on product_inventory.product_id = products.product_id
order by Sales Desc
) p
where rownum <= 3;

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