Postgresql Delete with Inner Join

PostgreSQL delete with inner join

This worked for me:

DELETE from m_productprice
WHERE m_pricelist_version_id='1000020'
AND m_product_id IN (SELECT m_product_id
FROM m_product
WHERE upc = '7094');

Error PostgreSQL delete with INNER JOIN

You can't use JOIN in DELETE statement. Instead use USING and put the second table there.
Something like this should work (sorry but i can't test it, so run it after BEGINing a transaction and check the results if they are what you expect before COMMITting it; ROLLBACK if they aren't).

FROM processing_transaction AS pt
USING processing_transaction_movement AS ptm, test_package tesp, test_batch tbat
WHERE pt.processing_transaction_type = 'TEST'
AND pt.processing_transaction_id = ptm.processing_transaction_id
AND pt.test_package_id = tesp.test_package_id
AND tesp.test_batch_id = tbat.test_batch_id

Here is a link to the documentation.

How to solve delete using inner join in sql database?

You cannot join in the FROM of DELETEs in Postgres.

If you want to delete all the row from stock_picking sp with a company_id of 1 and all the corresponding rows from stock_pack_operation, you can use a cte with a RETURNING clause.

WITH cte
DELETE FROM stock_picking sp
WHERE sp.company_id = 1
DELETE FROM stock_pack_operation spo
WHERE spo.picking_id =;

If want to delete all the rows from stock_pack_operation where the picking_id is one the ids from stock_picking for the company of ID 1 you can use USING.

DELETE FROM stock_pack_operation spo
USING stock_picking sp
WHERE spo.picking_id =
AND sp.company_id = 1;

Delete records from multiple tables using Join with PostgreSQL

Instead, delete from one table at a time:

with t1 as (
delete t1
where t1.col = 'something'
returning *
t3 as (
delete t3
where t3.t1_id in (select id from t1)
returning *
delete t2
where in (select t2_id from t3);

This is not exactly the same. The inner join requires matches among the tables. But I think this is your intention.

PostgreSQL delete rows that outer join from multiple tables

Simply use not exists:

delete from tableA a
where not exists (select 1 from tableB b where b.idB = a.idB) or
not exists (select 1 from tableC c where c.idC = a.idC);

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