Inline Blob/Binary Data Types in SQL/Jdbc

Inline BLOB / BINARY data types in SQL / JDBC

There probably isn't a JDBC escape syntax, so I searched around a bit and found and successfully tested the following:

  • SQL Server, Sybase ASE, Sybase SQL Anywhere

    INSERT INTO lob_table VALUES (0x01FF);
  • DB2

    -- Use a blob constructor. This is not needed for VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA types
    INSERT INTO lob_table VALUES (blob(X'01FF'));
  • Derby, H2, HSQLDB, Ingres, MySQL, SQLite

    INSERT INTO lob_table VALUES (X'01FF');
  • Oracle

    -- As mentioned by a_horse_with_no_name, keep in mind the relatively low
    -- limitation of Oracle's VARCHAR types to hold only 4000 bytes!
    INSERT INTO lob_table VALUES (hextoraw('01FF'));
  • Postgres

    -- There is also hex encoding as of Postgres 9.0
    -- The explicit cast is important, though
    INSERT INTO lob_table VALUES (E'\\001\\377'::bytea);

    See A.H.'s answer for more details about Postgres' hex encoding

  • SQL Standard

    -- SQL actually defines binary literals as such 
    -- (as implemented by DB2, Derby, H2, HSQLDB, Ingres, MySQL, SQLite):
    <binary string literal> ::=
    X <quote> [ <space>... ]
    [ { <hexit> [ <space>... ] <hexit> [ <space>... ] }... ] <quote>

    <hexit> ::=
    <digit> | A | B | C | D | E | F | a | b | c | d | e | f

An attempt was made to get a data value of type 'java.sql.Blob' from a data value of type 'CHAR () FOR BIT DATA'

Using java.sql.Blob for JDBC type BINARY is wrong from a strict JDBC API interpretation, no matter which driver you use. Using getBytes is always the appropriate method for this type (getBinaryStream should also work). See also the JDBC 4.3 specification, appendix B, specifically table B-3, which defines the default Java type for JDBC type BINARY as byte[], and B-5, which only defines a mapping from a java.sql.Blob to JDBC type BLOB, and B-6 which only defines support for getBlob for columns of JDBC type BLOB.

To be clear, JDBC type BINARY - usually - maps to/from the SQL type BINARY (Derby's equivalent is called CHAR FOR BIT DATA), which is a fixed-length byte string/array type. Whereas a SQL (and JDBC) BLOB is a type holding binary data of varying length (usually of unlimited length (or at least extremely large)) through a so-called locator object. BLOB data is generally stored off-row (the row only contains a pointer or id of the actual data), whereas BINARY (and VARBINARY) are usually stored inline. A java.sql.Blob is the Java representation of that locator object, providing an indirection to access the off-row data of the blob.

However, some drivers are more lenient, either for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of the driver, or for maximum portability (e.g. bridge implementation differences between different database systems). For example, some drivers may define their (SQL) BLOB types as JDBC LONGVARBINARY instead (which supports getBytes and getBinaryStream), but may then also define support for getBlob for cases where users assume "I use a SQL BLOB, so I should use getBlob".

So, in short, if the column is identified as JDBC type BINARY, then use getBytes (or getInputStream, however if you want to get a UUID, which is always 16 bytes, then using getBytes makes more sense). If the row is identified as JDBC type BLOB, then use getBlob (though some drivers may also support getBytes and getInputStream, this is not specified in JDBC).

Store binary data structure into BLOB columns in C

When working with binary objects text protocol (mysql_query/mysql_real_query) is not the best option, since special characters like '\0' are not supported. That means you have to allocate additional buffer (2 * (size of blob) + 1) for transforming the binary object.

Solution 1: mysql_real_escape()

char *buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct Dictionary) * 2 + 1);
mysql_real_escape_string(conn, buffer, &st_dic, sizeof(struct Dictionary));

sprintf(str, "INSERT INTO myTables (id, blob_field) VALUES (0, '%s')", buffer);
if (mysql_query(conn, str))
/* Error handling */

Solution 2: mysql_hex_string()

char *buffer = malloc(sizeof(struct Dictionary) * 2 + 1);
mysql_hex_string(buffer, &st_dic, sizeof(struct Dictionary));
sprintf(str, "INSERT INTO myTables (id, blob_field) VALUES (0, X'%s')", buffer);
if (mysql_query(conn, str))
/* Error handling */

A better solution is to use prepared statements which use the binary protocol:

Code without error handling:


stmt= mysql_stmt_init(conn);
mysql_stmt_prepare(stmt, INSERT INTO myTables (id, blob_field) VALUES (0, ?)", 1);

memset(&bind, 0, sizeof(MYSQL_BIND));
bind.buffer_type= MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB;
bind.buffer= &st_dic;
bind.buffer_length= sizeof(struct Dictionary);

mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, &bind);

Unable to create BLOB/Binary types with LoopBack 4

I'll show the answer for this question that I made.

Just define your model with the following info:

required: true,
mysql: {
columnName: 'application_id',
dataType: 'VARBINARY',
dataLength: 16,
nullable: 'NO'
application_id: string;

It worked like a charm for me :)

Thank you all!

insert varbinary value from hex literal in Microsoft SQL Server

The documentation for the CONVERT function says that the default "style" for binary types is 0:

Translates ASCII characters to binary bytes, or binary bytes to ASCII characters. Each character or byte is converted 1:1.





which are the ASCII byte values of the hex literal, not the hex bytes themselves. In order for CONVERT to interpret the hex literal, you need to use style 1, i.e.

SELECT CONVERT(VARBINARY, '0x00173672', 1) AS foo;

which returns


Oracle 10: Using HEXTORAW to fill in blob data

Apparently you can exceed these limits if you use PL/SQL. It doesn't work if you do the HEXTORAW within the UPDATE statement directly, either--it needs to be done in a separate statement, like this:

buf RAW(4000);
buf := HEXTORAW('C2B97041074...lots of hex...0CC00CD00');
SET blobData = buf
WHERE ID = 462;

For the life of me I'll never understand some of Oracle's limitations. It's like everything is its own little special case.

How to configure MySQL 5.6 LONGBLOB for large binary data

The reason for this issue is a change in MySQL 5.6.20 as one could read in the change log:

As a result of the redo log BLOB write limit introduced for MySQL 5.6, the innodb_log_file_size setting should be 10 times larger than the largest BLOB data size found in the rows of your tables plus the length of other variable length fields (VARCHAR, VARBINARY, and TEXT type fields). No action is required if your innodb_log_file_size setting is already sufficiently large or your tables contain no BLOB data.

To resolve your issue you have to increase the value of the innodb_log_file_size option in your my.ini below the [mysqld] section. Its default value is 48M. Setting it to


helped in my case.

Be careful when changing the value of innodb_log_file_size that you do this safely:

  1. You need to shut the server down cleanly and normally.
  2. Move away
    (don’t delete) the log files, which are named ib_logfile0,
    ib_logfile1, and so on.
  3. Check the error log to ensure there was no
    problem shutting down.
  4. Then restart the server and watch the error log
    output carefully. You should see InnoDB print messages saying that the
    log files don’t exist. It will create new ones and then start.
  5. At this
    point you can verify that InnoDB is working, and then you can delete
    the old log files.

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