SQL Count* Group by Bigger Than,

SQL COUNT* GROUP BY bigger than,

HAVING clause for aggregates

SELECT ItemMetaData.KEY, ItemMetaData.VALUE, count(*) 
FROM ItemMetaData
Group By ItemMetaData.KEY, ItemMetaData.VALUE
HAVING count(*) > 2500
ORDER BY count(*) desc;

SQL group by count where count greater than

You should put this condition in the HAVING-clause:

select Code, Qty, Count(Qty) Qty
from Product
where ItemName = 'Banana'
Group by Code
having count(Qty) > 1
order by 3 desc

HAVING is evaluated after GROUP BY while WHERE is evaluated before, meaning that WHERE-clauses will filter on recordlevel while HAVING-clauses filter on aggregates.

For a more detailed explanation, check SQL - having VS where

I would also recommend you to read Logical Processing Order of the SELECT statement

Find values with group count greater than 1

Try this -

select id from table group by id having count(distinct color) > 1

You can search for sql having clause for more info.

Here is one such result:


SQL: group and count but only if ALL records are greater than a threshold

You can use group by with having:

select user_id, sum(case when records > 400 then 1 else 0 end) as cnt
from t
group by user_id
having min(records) > 400;

Or using :::

select user_id, sum( (records > 400)::int ) as cnt
from t
group by user_id
having min(records) > 400;

Select where count of one field is greater than one

Use the HAVING, not WHERE clause, for aggregate result comparison.

Taking the query at face value:

FROM db.table
HAVING COUNT(someField) > 1

Ideally, there should be a GROUP BY defined for proper valuation in the HAVING clause, but MySQL does allow hidden columns from the GROUP BY...

Is this in preparation for a unique constraint on someField? Looks like it should be...

SQL COUNT function for results greater than or equal to

The answer to your question is HAVING. However, you need to learn to use properJOIN syntax. Simple rule: Never use a comma in the FROM clause. Always use explicit JOIN syntax.

SELECT C.customerID, COUNT(O.accNumber) AS total
FROM Customer C JOIN
Owns O
ON C.customerID = O.customerID
GROUP BY C.customerID

Actually, you don't even need the JOIN:

SELECT o.customerID, COUNT(o.accNumber) AS total
FROM Owns o
GROUP BY o.customerID

That's much simpler.

SQL: Count values higher than average for a group

Try this :

 select count (*) as countHigher,a.q from yourtable a join 

(select AVG(t) as AvgT,q from yourtable a group by q) b on a.q=b.q

where a.t > b.AvgT

group by a.q

In the subquery you will count average value for both groups, join it on your table, and then you will select count of all values from your table where the value is bigger then average

MySQL query to count results greater than 10 then group by

You can filter, then aggregate:

select province, count(*)
from mytable
where sample_result > 10
group by province

Get data, count and group by DATETIME where date gap greater than X

Is it going to be a very slow query but it is an option:

select    count(e.eresult) as error_count,
CAST(e.added AS DATE) as error_date
from st__errors as e
where (
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(e.added, ei.added))
FROM st__errors as ei WHERE ei.id = e.id - 1
) > 10
and e.eresult = 20
group by date(e.added)
order by e.id desc

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