How to Retrieve The Primary Key When Saving a New Object in Anorm

How to Retrieve the Primary Key When Saving a New Object in Anorm

Use the executeInsert method instead of executeUpdate. Noted here, the foremer method returns Option[T] where T is the type of the primary key.

You can extract the value with a match statement:

    DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
} match {
case Some(long) => long // The Primary Key
case None => ...

Scala anorm retrieve inserted id

In the latest version you need a scalar:

   val newId = SQL(
insert into accom (places,lat,lon,permaname,country,defaultLanguage)
values ({places}, {lat}, {lon}, {permaname}, {country}, {defaultLanguage})
'places -> places,
'lat -> lat,
'lon -> lon,
'permaname -> permaname,
'country -> country,
'defaultLanguage -> defaultLanguage).executeInsert(scalar[Long].single)

How do I cast Any returned from executeInsert in Anorm to Long

You get the Long id if you invoke map on the executeInsert result

DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
SQL("...").executeInsert().map(id => println(id))

Assigning new autoincrement id to returned SQL result in Anorm

Is Question a case class? You probably need to return this instead (as opposed to an instance of the same case class):

insertedId match {
case Some(id) => question.copy(id = id)
case _ => question

Anorm Scala insert list of objects with nested list

I solved it with logic inside the db.withConnection block. Somehow I assumed that you had to have a single SQL statement inside db.withConnection, which turned out not to be true. So like this:

val idMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long,Long]() // structure to hold map of old ids to new
db.withConnection { implicit conn =>
// save all questions and gather map of the new ids to the old
for (q <- questions) {
val id: Long = SQL("INSERT INTO questions (titel) VALUES ({titel})")
.on('titel -> q.titel)
idMap( = id

// save answers with new question ids
if (answers.nonEmpty) {
for (a <- answers ) {
SQL("INSERT INTO answers (question_id, text) VALUES ({qid}, {text});")
.on('qid -> idMap(a.questionId), 'text -> a.text).execute()

What is purpose of anorm's Pk?

Pk allows you to specify a typed primary key.

Also, say you have a contrived model like this:

case class MyModel(id: Pk[Long], foo: String)

You have the benefit of constructing an instance of your model with:

MyModel(anorm.NotAssigned, "notKnownAtRuntime")

...if your database is responsible for generating your keys, or otherwise:

MyModel(anorm.Id(123L), "knownAtRuntime")

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