Help with Sorting Records in Ruby on Rails

Rails, how to sort the array of active records by created_at

You can sort an array by using sort_by.

In your case, you could do the following:



  • Remove @all << @find_user and @all_entry << @find_referal_user
    • Why? Because otherwise you will have an array with multiple arrays
  • Replace @total with: @total = @find_user + @find_referal_user
    • Why? Because @total will now only consists of one merged array with all objects, ready to get sorted through .sort_by(&:created_at).

Rails, how to sort the array of active records by created_at

You can sort an array by using sort_by.

In your case, you could do the following:



  • Remove @all << @find_user and @all_entry << @find_referal_user
    • Why? Because otherwise you will have an array with multiple arrays
  • Replace @total with: @total = @find_user + @find_referal_user
    • Why? Because @total will now only consists of one merged array with all objects, ready to get sorted through .sort_by(&:created_at).

Help with sorting records in Ruby on Rails

You should be able to group your query:

Score.order('score DESC').group('user_id').limit(3)

Sort Records according to associated data column

we can get it simply by using Order with includes

@collection = @collection.includes(:countries).order(' ASC').page(params[:page]).per(per_page)

I don't know when I tried to do this with join I got repeated records and I have to add distinct and after that order did not work.

Re sorting active records in rails without re querying the database?

You are probably looking for the sort_by method. It will allow you to sort a collection on the server side without using any active record query.

This code result :

@products = Product.all
@products = @products.sort_by {|product|} # Ruby Sorting

should be the same as

@products = Product.order(:name) # SQL sorting

Ruby on Rails: How to limit the results of sorting active record results

you can simply add .first(5) or .last(5).reverse

<%= @top5 = User.all.sort{|a,b| a.questions.where(ques_num: 2).count <=> b.questions.where(ques_num: 2).count}.reverse.first(5) %>


<%= @top5 = User.all.sort{|a,b| a.questions.where(ques_num: 2).count <=> b.questions.where(ques_num: 2).count}.last(5).reverse %>

Ruby on Rails: how to sort data in an array of active record objects right before iterating?

@menu_bar.link_pages.sort_by { |e| e.sequence }.each do |lp|
. . .

Ruby on Rails - Order records by created_at and sort_by by boolean

Max's answer is the way to go, the only thing missing in his comment was wrapping it in Arel.sql

posts ="CASE WHEN pinned THEN 0 ELSE 1 END"), "created_at DESC"))

How to Sort Record in Ruby on Rails based on Last Record Timestamp from References Table

Thanks for everyone has help me to solve this probel. I have my own answer. Here is it.

SELECT chat_rooms.*, (SELECT chat_room_messages.created_at FROM chat_room_messages WHERE chat_room_messages.chat_room_id = ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 1) AS last_message_at FROM chat_rooms INNER JOIN chat_room_members ON chat_room_members.chat_room_id = WHERE chat_room_members.user_id = #{} ORDER BY last_message_at DESC

I use raw query for solve this problem. Hope this can help anyone who need it !

How do I sort records based on sum of a particular attribute in a set of associations in Ruby on Rails?

You should be able to order by the sum of associated records columns like this

Comment.joins(:ratings).group('').order('sum(ratings.score) desc')

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